Everyone has secrets

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Last time.....

The blades jump to their owners and are put in the starter by them. The Bladebreakers get ready into a potion.

Ryuga: *smirks* Very well, then. *uses his hand as starter*

Everyone gets shocked and confused.

Kai: *yells at Ryuga* Is this a joke?

Tyson: *confused* You really want to use your hand?

Ryuga: *smirks slyly* It's my problem how I play.

Tyson: *growls* Well, then don't cry later like a baby if you lose. *counts* 3, 2, 1! Let it...


?: *is heard far away* Stop! WAIT!!!! CUT!!!!!

All bladers turn to the voice. Very confused. The person runs as fast as a cheetah to them, creating a cloud of dust.

Kai: *recognizes the person and slaps his forehead* No, no... Please, don't. You're kidding me right now right?

It was John. Kai's faithful butler, who ran to him with a camera kit. Even Ryuga pays him full attention.

John: *puts the camera kit on the ground* Master, Kai! *runs to him and starts to stile his hair* Don't worry. I'm here.

Kai: *tries to stop him* John, stop it. What are you doing here?

The other boys: *in choir very angry* We also want to know it.

John: *speaks proudly and heroic* This is a big day, Master Kai! Whoever wants to give him a checkmate, gets a big kick in the big fat bu.....

Kai: *interrupts him* John! *points to Max* We have a child here.

John: *covers his mouth embarrassed* Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Tate.

Max: *looks stunned* Heyyyyyyyy! I'm not a child.

Kai: *speaks in a cold way* You're 17. So you're a child.

Max: *growls and yells at his friend* I'm not a child, you.. you... *doesn't know what to call him, but then...* ...you mean jerk.

Everyone looks stunned at him. The cute little Max never spoke to Kai like that. Tyson is under shock and almost drops his starter.

Kai: *narrows his eyebrows gives him a blank expression* That was not nice, Maxi! *smirks slyly* Man could imagine, you're a nice jerk now.

The other boys are still too shocked to say something. They just look at Kai and at Max, what will happen next. Even Ryuga also wants to know it and waits. John smiles at his young master proudly and holds a 10 point sign. Burning anger builds in Max. He lets his starter drop, attacks Kai and punches him very hard. The phoenix boy falls on the ground and rubs his red cheek. John and the boys are more shocked now. Tyson drops his starter this time and his mouth opens widely. Daichi and Ray gives a look at each other.

Ray: *to Daichi* You saw it too, right?

Daichi: *to Ray* Um, yeah. Why?

Ray: You have coffee today, but I drank herbal tea, just wanted to make sure I didn't have hallucinations.

John: *growls angry* Mr. Tate, how dare you to hurt Master Kai?! *takes off his white glove and wants to hit Max with it, but he hears his master's voice*

Kai: *speaks very sternly to his butler, by still sitting on the ground* John, no. It's ok. *glares at his best blond friend*

Max: *also glares down at him* I wanted to do it since you left us in Russia.

Kai: *raises an eyebrow* Oh, interesting. And why didn't you do it?

Max: *doesn't know what to say* I... I...

Kai: *stands up* Hey, Tyson.

Tyson looks to him confused.

Kai: *smiles and speaks in sarcasm* Let's beat me up every day. *bows a little to Max like to a little child* Our Maxi would be sooooooooo happy. Why didn't it occur to me earlier to hit my face? *nears closer to Max's face* Because making Max happy is a sacred thing.

Max: *looks embarrassed down, can't take it anymore and looks up to him with tears in the eyes* I'm sorry, Kai! *hugs him and cuddles up into his muscular chest* I'm so sorry. Buuuuuuaaaaaa. *cries very loud*

Kai: *sighs, rolls the eyes and hugs him back* And I thought you would hit me again.

Max: *cries still into his chest* I will never do it again. Buuuaaaaaaa.....

Kai: *pushes him a little away by holding his shoulders* Hey, I'm forgive you. It's alright, ok? Are you a man?

Max: *looks up at him with tears* I'm a man.

Kai: *smiles softly and speaks in a cute way with him* Then we will not cry right?

Max: *wipes the tears away* No, we will not.

Kai: *caresses his head* That's great, Maxi.

Ryuga looks a little annoyed at this show. The others watch it with an awe.

John/ Rest of the Bladebreakers: *in choir* Aww!

Kai: *rolls the eyes, and lifts Max's face a little up* You're ok?

Max: *blushes like a tomato* Yes.

Kai: *smiles sweet* That's great. *suddenly his expression changes, he glares darkly at him and yells* Then take your starter and make ready for the fight, soldier.

Max: *gets scared* Ye... Yes, Sir. *takes his starter*

That's knocks everyone down. Even Ryuga.

Tyson: *looks blankly* And he is back. *looks at Kai* Man, Kai. You can be a little nicer to him, you psychopath.

Kai: *turns to Ryuga, but answers to the navy haired dragon boy* Sociopath!

Tyson: *confused* Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Kai: *looks at him* Sociopath! I still know what I'm doing. I just can't share the same feelings with the others.

Tyson: *rolls the eyes* Whether that makes a difference.

Ryuga: *growls in anger and yells* I'm still waiting, you stupid idiots!

John and the Bladebreakers glare at him.

Kai: *turns to Ryuga with a blank look* Oh, we are so sorry. You should have told us, that you are a smart idiot.

His friends start to laugh. John smiles at his young master proudly again and holds a 10 point sign with a plus. He takes the camera and starts with the recording.

John: *wipes the tears away* I'm so proud of you, Master Kai.

Tyson: *hits the shoulder of the phoenix boy and smirks* That was good one, Kai.

Ray, Daichi and Max lift a thumb up.

Kai: *closes the eyes and smiles proudly* See! You should respect me more.

Tyson: *rolls the eyes* Now don't be so cocky.

Ryuga: *growls annoyed* You... you... *smirks darkly* So you think you all perfect friends?

The Bladebreakers looks at each other and smile.

Tyson: *turns to Ryuga* That's right. We are best perfect friends. And nothing will share us apart. I'm right, guys?

Kai, Ray, Daichi and Max: *in choir* That's right!

John: *cries and wipes the tears away* It's so touching. *cleans his nose*

Ryuga: *starts to laugh* Mwahahahahahahaha! Well, LDrago told me so many things, which you did to each other in the years of your perfect friendship. *looks at Ray* Why don't you tell them, Kung Fu Master. Tell them what you did 2 years ago in the world championships.

Everyone turns to Ray and waits what he will say.

Ray: *growls and closes the eyes* Well, I... *sighs* I used Voodoo doll.

His friends look stunned at him.

Tyson: *steps closer to him* Excuse me, Ray, but what?

Ray: *looks away* I used a Kai Voodoo doll to leave the team.

Everyone gets more shocked.

Kai: *growls but tries to stay calm* Ok, Ray. Why you did that?

Tyson: *yells at the Kung Fu master* I also want to know that!

Ray: *sighs* I thought, if Kai will not leave the BBA, then my team will have no chance to win.

Kai: *rolls the eyes* Oh, and you really believe in this bullshit?

Ray: *just lifts the shoulders* Well, it worked. You left the Tyson's team.

Kai: *sighs and slaps his face with the palm* Man, Ray!

Tyson: *yells at Ray* So, did you use a Tyson doll too?

Ray: *waves with the hands* What? No, of cours not. I only did it by Kai.

Tyson: *narrows the eyebrows* I hope for you so.

Ray: *yells at him* Hey, you also not perfect!

Tyson: *confused* What?

Ray: Do remember what you did last year in the museum?

Tyson: *gets nervous* I... I don't know what you mean.

Ray: *smirks* Oh, then I will tell. *looks at the others* He cooked a soup of T-Rex bones. And feed us with that.

Kai and the others look stunned at Tyson. The phoenix boy grabs him by the collar.

Kai: *yells at him* You wanted to kill us all?

Tyson: *yells back* That was my revenge on you guys, for leaving my team. I called it the Cretaceous soup.

Daichi: *smirks* Well, I loved the revenge. It was great.

Max: *stunned* You gave him the idea?

Daichi: *smirks happily* That's right. I took some bones and handed it to Tyson.

Kai: *starts to burn in anger* You... you... You little parasites. *gives them a murder look*

John: *still recording* How dare you to do it to Master Kai?!

Ryuga: *smirks slyly* Oh, please. The fire bird boy is also not an angel. I'm right, Kai?

Everyone looks at Kai.

Ray: *rolls the eyes* Oh, the perfect boy did something too? I really want to know it.

Kai: *glares first at Ryuga, but then sighs* My doing is worse than yours. *looks at Ray, Max and Daichi* Can you please hold Tyson back?

The tree boys holds Tyson a little away from him.

Tyson: *tries to get free* Hey, let go of me. *yells at Kai* What have you done, Kai?

Kai: *sighs* Well you defeated me 2 years ago. So I wanted revenge and last year I asked Hilary to be my girlfriend.

There was a long pause. Tyson looks frozen at his best friend.

Kai: *sighs* I even wanted to sleep with her to make her mine. To see your depressed face.

The navy blue bangs covers Tyson's face and his anger grows. The boys hold him tightly.

Tyson: *tries to get free and yells at Kai* How can you do that to me! We are like Sherlock and Baskerville dog! Like Inspector and Rex! Like Tintin and Snowy!

Kai: *growls a little* And again, I'm the dog.

Tyson: *yells* Don't you dare to change the theme. You betrayed me so many times, that my heart hurts. *put his hand on his right side*

Kai: *sighs and stays calm* Tyson, the heart is on the left side.

Tyson: *yells again* I HAVE A BIG HEART! And I told you not to change the theme. You knew I love her and you tried to steal her.

Kai: But I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it to my best friend. If I have done it then I wouldn't respect myself. So I told it Hilary. She slapped me and left me. *turns to Tyson* I'm sorry, my friend.

There was a long pause again. Even John is shocked and he removed the last recording. The boys don't know what to say. Daichi, Ray and Max still holding Tyson back.

Tyson: *sighs and stays calm* Let me go, guys! It's ok. *is released by them and steps closer to Kai* I forgive you.

Kai and the others couldn't believe it. Even Ryuga couldn't.

Tyson: *turns to Ryuga* I think, I also can read minds. That's what you wanted, right? To share us apart.

Ryuga: *growls* Well, you're a very smart boy. Maybe I should...

Tyson: *interrupts him* Enough, with mind reading. *takes his starter and pulls the ripcord* DRAGOON! LET IT RIP!

Ray: Hey don't forget me! *pulls the ripcord* DRIGER! LET IT RIP!

Max and Daichi: *also pulls the ripcord* DRACIEL! STRATA DRAGOON!LET IT RIP!

Kai: *holds the starter with two blades on it and pulls* Hn... DRANZER! FROSTIC DRANZER! LET IT RIP!

Ryuga: *smirks* Well, my friends. Then lets begin. *uses his hand as starter* LDRAGO! LET IT RIP!

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceWhere stories live. Discover now