He got a girl!

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Mrs. Hiwatari: *enters the house and the first thing she sees is, John and the maids hugging each other* Is something happened?

John and Maids: *looks at her with tears in the eyes* MADAM!

Mrs. Hiwatari: *confused* Yes, it's me. What's going on?

John gives the maids a sign and the girls run to Mrs. Hiwatari and push her softly to the center of the hall.

Mrs. Hiwatari: *confused and worried* What are you doing?

John: *puts a chair for her* Please, my Madam. Sit down. We will explain you everything.

Mrs. Hiwatari: *just lifts her shoulders and sits on the chair* Alright.

John and the maids form in a circle, so that Mrs. Hiwatari is in the center.

John: *stands in front of her and sings* Madam! We're your servants.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *smiles* Yes, I know!

John: And we have news for you. So you better listen.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *confused* Ah-huh, Okay.

John: It's about your son.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *gets worried* Oh, my god. What happened?

Maids: *circle her and sing mysterious* Your son got in a serious situation.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *looks shocked and worried at the maids* Serious situation? What for a situation?

Maids: *continue to circle her* He is in the meeting room.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: In the meeting room?

Maids: *shake with the index finger* But not alone.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *stands quickly up* Not alone? Who is with him?

Maids: *push her back on the chair* Madam, no need to worry.

Mrs.: Hiwatari: *looks worried* Why not?

John: *sings dramatically* Cause tonight for the first time
With his own will
For the first time in his life history
He got a girl!

John and Maids: *sing and dancing* He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: *puts her hands on her chest and looks proud* Hallelujah!

John and Maids: *put their hands in the air and looks up* He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: *looks up and smiles* Amen!

John: *whispers into her ear* He received her and he got caught.
Absolutely confident!

John and Maids: He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: Hallelujah!

John and Maids: He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: *asks John* What does she look like?

John: Medium size, pink haired, lean and blue eyes
Naughty and elegant and beautiful and nice

John: God bless this girl, she's a single too
She fell from the sky, and she did what she had to do
She looked into his eyes, and he lost his mind
The next generation is coming and starts to bind

John and Maids: He got a girl! *throw confetti and dance*

Mrs. Hiwatari: *dances ballet* Hallelujah!

John and Maids: *jump in the air* He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: *dances Cha Cha Cha* Amen!

Everyone starts wild to dance. 3 maids climb on the table and the others do somersaults. John and Mrs. Hiwatari dance the waltz. Suddenly, the door of the library opens and a confused Mr. Hiwatari appears. Mrs. Hiwatari, John and the Maids stop and smile nervously. Mr. Hiwatari looks at them weird and stunned. John opens his mouth to explain it, but...

Mr. Hiwatari: *stops him* No, John, I don't want to know it. You have 20 minutes to clean this mess. Or no bonus this month. *goes back into the room and closes the door*

The servants and Mrs. Hiwatari look at each other.

John and Maids: He got a girl!

Mrs. Hiwatari: Hallelujah!

Mr. Hiwatari: *yells angry from the library* MISAKI!!!

Mrs. Hiwatari: Sorry, darling! *gives the servants the sign to clean up and goes to her husband*

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