Want someone different!

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Kai Hiwatari is one of the richest men of the world. One day ago he's turned 20. Currently, he sits on the balcony of his room in the villa, staring at the stars in the sky. His father, Chiaki Hiwatari, knocks on the double doors to his room, entering right after. Kai looks annoyed at his father and looked back at the sky.

"Kai, I'm here to talk to you about the rejection of princess Molly proposal." says his father.

"I didn't like her. She was slutty and trashy, very unacceptable for me to marry." says Kai.

"My son this is the 6th princess you have rejected. You must marry someone. Your grandfather died last month and you only get his legacy if you marry until your 21 birthday. Otherwise, all the money will be transferred to the BEGA League." says his father.

"I know that, father. Every rich man marries a rich woman. I'm not every rich man. I want someone different." says Kai.

"What do you mean my son." asks his father.

"I want a girl, that will fight me, until she is taken down by me. But she must be smart, beautiful, wild, and elegant as a statue." says Kai.

His father looks stunned at him and growls.

"So you want one of those poor city girls. That are against the Rules. I will not allow it, Kai."

"Well, then we will loose the money." says Kai, stands up, passes his father with his coolness way and walks to the exit.

"Wait Kai!!!"

Kai stops and turns to him.

"Yes, father?"

"Please, don't do it to our family. Your mother wouldn't also allow it."

Kai narrows his eyebrows and growls.

"This is my life, father. Only I decide whom I will marry."

Leaves angry the room.

His father watches him go and sighs.

"Oh, Kai. My son, what have I done wrong with you?"

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceWhere stories live. Discover now