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A/N: I hope you enjoy! We love you! Also, please don't forget to vote and comment. It helps us to know what you guys think about the story! 

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   When you were younger, you and your Grandmother were really close. You did everything together such as  shopping, talking about boys, and going to the park everyday to sit and enjoy scenery the scenery. So when your parents woke you up in the middle of the night, claiming that something was wrong with Grandma, you didn't really understand.

   While she was laying on her deathbed, she told you something that you didn't think about again. You just thought that it was her sickness talking.

   "Y/N sweetie, when you turn eighteen, something life changing will happen to you. It is up to you if you will let it destroy you or if you will embrace it openly. It truly is a wonderful thing, but you have to have an open mind," she croaked while holding your hand tightly, tears streaming out of your eyes and blocking your vision of her.

   Shortly after that, she passed away. Her death completely wrecked you. You started to hate life. You hated the fact that you were still breathing, and your grandma, your best friend, wasn't. You hated the fact that she was taken away from you, way to soon.



   The unexpected ringing of your phone woke you out of your sleep. Drowsily, you reached over to your nightstand and grabbed it without looking at the caller ID.

   "Y/N, are you awake?" the soft voice of your best friend on the other end of the line asked. 

   "Yeah, why do you ask?" you mumble as you got up and stretched your limbs.

   "I just remember you telling me about. . . the thing. . . and how you don't want to celebrate your birthday this year," she said sadly. 

   "I'm fine. I just really don't feel up to it today. I will call you tomorrow, okay? I love you! Bye." You hung up before she  got the chance to utter any more words.

   You trudged into your living room, ready to sit down and binge watch Netflix, when a loud crack of thunder suddenly exploded outside. Your head snapped toward the window in surprise. It was probably going to rain. Not thinking much of it, you went into the kitchen grabbed some candy and soda before you made your way back into the living room.

   It was going to be a long night.


   "We can't help it! How the hell are we supposed to choose who we love?" a light chuckle could be heard.

   "I don't care! This. . . This disgusting behavior is unacceptable! You are here by prohibited in this kingdom. Leave NOW!"

   Light sniffles hissed in the night as seven lovers walked side by side, trying to figure out what they were going to do now that they had just gotten kicked out of the only place that they had ever known; the only place they were supposed to ever know.

   "I-I-I don't understand! W-We just love each other! We were destined to be together! We were fated to each other; why can't they understand that?!" the youngest of the boys said through tears.

   "We did nothing wrong, baby. There are just some people who can't accept certain things. That is on them, not us. If anything, this has helped us. We no longer have to keep our love a secret," another man said as he kissed the maknaes head.

   "Now we must figure out what the humans do here. What do they do?"



   "I hate the rain," you thought as you went to grab a flashlight, the power having gone out during your favorite part of the movie. While bending down to grab some batteries from a drawer, a sudden excruciating pain flashed through your body. A scream erupted out of your mouth as you collapsed to the ground. It felt like someone had drenched you in gasoline, stroke a match, and set you on fire.

   The pain too extreme to continue your screams, you laid on the floor curled up in a ball, waiting and praying for it to be over, and soon found yourself to be engulfed in the darkness. 

   The next time you opened your eyes, you found yourself standing in a dark room. You were turning your head left and right, trying to find any source of light or life, when you saw something up ahead in front of you.

   Your grandma. 

   However, she wasn't alone. She was standing next to seven other people that you had never seen before in your entire life. Before you had the chance to scream, you were pulled out of your dream, gasping for air.

   You didn't know how long you had been out. It was long enough for the lights to come back on and the storm to stop, however.

   Remembering the pain that you were in you before passing out, you immediately hopped to your feet and ran to the bathroom mirror, searching frantically all over your body for any signs of the pain.  It wasn't until you turned to the side did you see the cause of your sudden excruciating pain.

   A tattoo.

   Too confused to even make out what it was, you grabbed a towel and started to attempt to rub it off, thinking that it was something else. It just had to be something else. Tattoos don't just suddenly appear your skin like that. But when it didn't come off, you knew that somehow, someway or another, a tattoo had appeared out of nowhere on your body. Something even stranger than that was what the tattoos were actually of.

   Midnight flowers. Midnight roses.

   Seven of them all together, like a bouquet.

   Little did you know that seven other people had just went through the same excruciating pain and where also trying to figure out what it meant; what the tattoos were.

   Little did you know that your life would change forever.

   Little did you know that your life would change forever

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Hope you guys all enjoyed the first chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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