Chapter 20

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They began talking to themselves about random stuff when they heard the loudest piercing screams from the second floor. It took a second for it to register before they were all running to their women. They found them in the hallway pointing into the bathroom. Luca reached for his gun, but Gianni told him no. Gianni and Luca walked in and looked around, but found nothing but an open window.

"Was there someone in the window?" Gianni asked worriedly after looking outside. "No, look!" Ava cried pointing at a hornet on the top of the bathroom mirror. Each man scoffed and rolled their eyes. Luca took the bathroom cup to capture the insect and discarded it outside before closing the window. Pietro grabbed Rachelle and held her close. "Baby, if you ever scream like that and someone isn't trying to harm you, I'll spank you."

Rachelle kissed his lips. "Don't threaten me with a good time," she winked grabbing Clarissa's hand and taking her upstairs. Gianni and Luca looked Cara Mia and Ava over to calm their still speedily beating hearts. "I'm sorry we scared you guys," Ava smiled shyly grabbing hold of Cara Mia's hand. "Yeah, we were just scared. We don't do bugs." Cara Mia chuckled. "If that's the only threat that comes to you then I'll take it." Gianni said giving her a peck. "You bitches better get up here!" Rachelle called out causing them to laugh and head upstairs.

The men headed back downstairs and sat in the living room. "What would we have done if that was a real threat?" Pietro asked looking at them. "Kill the bastards and explain later." Luca said. "That won't work." Gianni said. "We're stupid to think we can have this kind of life." Giovanni shook his head.

"You can think like that when you're alone, but when you're with them you're going to do everything you can to enjoy the moment." Pietro nodded and Luca smiled. "That's my mantra and I've made it work." Giovanni smirked as he poured a glass of whiskey for each of them.

Ava made her way downstairs and headed to the kitchen to inspect her cakes. "You are too sweet to bake these cakes, Ava Mae!" Clarissa smiled walking in behind her. "I just wanted to contribute how I knew best." Ava said as she laughed at the middle name Clarissa had given her.

The timer on the oven dinged signaling everything was ready. Clarissa clapped to herself happy to have finally met someone other than the guys. It had been years before she met Gianni, Luca and Pietro and Clarissa understood why. She had just learned about the life and was taking it all in.

However, the moment Giovanni told her that the guys had girlfriends she put her foot down. She and Cara Mia became fast friends and she was happy to see that Rachelle and Ava were as awesome as she had hoped. She so wanted girl friends who knew what it was like to be with a Petrillo man, but she knew their conversation topics were limited. She didn't know why the guys wouldn't just tell them everything. It was so evident that they loved them, but she just took solace that everyone was happy.

"Let's lay out the food," Clarissa instructed as she put the pitcher of sangria on the table. Ava handed Cara Mia the asparagus and gave Rachelle the carrots to place on the table. Clarissa handled the roasted potatoes, while Ava put the steaks and lambchops in the center of the table. Everything looked delicious and in that moment all of their stomach growled. "This looks amazing, Claire." Rachelle smiled giving her a squeeze.

Cara Mia noticed the men were drinking whiskey and talking among themselves oblivious to the women setting the table. They looked so handsome and debonair, especially Gianni. She smiled at him and took complete joy in the fact that he was all hers. Gianni must have sensed her staring, because he looked directly at her and smiled one of those smiles that made her want to melt like a heated ice cube.

"You keep looking at him like that and you're going to get fucked." Rachelle said loud enough for everyone to hear. Promises, promises. Cara Mia thought, while Ava gasped. "Rachelle Janeen!" Ava groaned while everyone laughed. Rachelle shrugged her shoulders and motioned for Pietro to come to her. She gave him a kiss the moment he was in her arms and he smiled against her lips. "What was that for?" He smiled down at her. "For being you." Pietro loved moments like this one. Rachelle was a strong and tough woman that had to be due to life experiences, but the moments where she was sweet and vulnerable made him fall even harder.

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