Chapter 18

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Gianni and Luca stood in the kitchen preparing to head their separate ways. Gianni had already informed Luca that what he was planning to do was reckless. He was letting his love for Ava cloud the fact that digging into her past would put her in danger. Luca reiterated that he was going to get the information from a very trusted and reliable source. Ava would be safe he made sure of it, but he knew his best friend was more worried about him than Ava.

Gianni was worried about Luca and the monster within him. Luca wasn't Gianni. He didn't feel emotions when he cleaned up messes and removed obstacles for the Petrillo family. Massimo had called him a natural and he knew he should feel a certain type of way about being called a good killer, but he didn't. He was used to killing for the Petrillo family, to protect Gianni and his brothers. He even saved Pietro a few times in the past, but this kill would be different and that's what Gianni feared.

Gianni knew Luca's reason to kill would awaken something dark inside of him. This was personal and they both knew it. Gianni prayed that when Luca let the monster out he would be able to lock him back up when it was time. He had a feeling that Ava would be his anchor. He saw the way his best friend behaved around her. He watched as Luca would stare at her as if she hung the moon. Even presently, Luca seemed lighter. Happy.

It was a beautiful day, so Luca decided to ride his motorcycle. He rarely got to take his baby out for a spin, but he wanted to feel the road beneath him today. He was in a good mood, because he was steps closer to getting Ava the justice she deserved. Gianni and Luca were so lost in their thoughts of Cara Mia and Ava that they didn't notice Massimo staring at them as he walked into the kitchen.

"What has you two so chipper?" Massimo asked as he walked up. "What makes you think we're chipper?" Gianni asked on defense. "You haven't whistled like you've been doing all morning in quite some time. Who is she?" Gianni's eyes widened as his father gave him a knowing smirk. "You too, Luca. Don't think I haven't noticed your smile making more appearances this week than it has in years."

They looked at each other and then back at him. "Just some girls we met. It's nothing major." Massimo nodded. "I hope not, because you know that love in this business never works."  They both rolled their eyes. Gianni nor Luca were in the mood for another lecture about what it meant to be a Petrillo man. If it was up to Massimo, they would live loveless lives full of killing, power and domination.

"Love works for us, bambino," Luciana spoke as she walked into the kitchen. "You know we're a different breed." She shook her head. "You've engrained in their heads that they can't know love and that's a lie." Gianni had witnessed his parents fight over this topic before, but back then he didn't have a reason to hope that love applied to him. Things was different now, so he listened intently to what his parents had to say. "What do you mean, Ma? How is it a lie?"

Luciana smiled sweetly. "Your father is afraid that what happened to your grandfather will happen to you. That you will lose someone and be driven to carelessness. In a troubling way, he's trying to protect you," she said placing her hand on Massimo's cheek. "But he's only preventing you from real greatness. Love is a powerful motivator, but all your father has taught you goes against that fact and hinders my chances of being a grandmother." Massimo scoffed.

"They have time to reproduce heirs that will carry the Petrillo name with good Italian girls later." Luca looked up. "Gianni's girl is Italian." Gianni scowled at him angry that he would even mention Cara Mia. "Oh wonderful!" Luciana clapped. "What is her name, Gianni?" He frowned angry at the conversation at hand, but knew his mother would never let up. "Cara." His mother squealed, while Massimo watched on pensively.

"What a beautiful name! Gianni you must bring her here for dinner one night." Massimo shook his head adamantly. "Honey, I don't think that's a good idea," He intervened. "They aren't serious and I don't just let anyone in my house." Luciana pouted but relented. She winked at her eldest son and headed out of the kitchen. "You have needs so I will allow these trysts, but the moment either of you feel they are getting attached end it," Massimo warned before walking out.

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