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Bakugou sat on a bench facing the statue. He was in the memorial of what had happened three years ago. Thinking back on it, he realized he was lucky. All that damage yet he not only survived, but he now was a pro hero. He looked at what was inscribed at the base of the statue.

"This statue stand here as a reminder to all. Those seen as the weakest can be world changing, and those with strength can be insignificant. The weak and the strong are two sides of the same coin, the world is not just black and white. This was a youth who taught us this, and showed us strength as he struggled with his own demons."

Bakugou shook his head in disgust. As its always been, people just didn't seem to get it. Bakugou himself was praised for having stood up during that time, but if anything, he felt that he was the villain. He was the one who had pushed Izuku that far.

He got up, ready to head back to work, not that he would have much to do. Ever since what happened, crime seemed to drop greatly. It seemed like the world was heading towards a more peaceful age.

He looked up and saw a familiar figure. "My my, is that the Uravity, the same person who fought against the villain Deku?'

"Oh stop that. So you also came here today?"

"Yeah. You know, I haven't seen you around that much ever since we all graduated."

"Yeah, villain attacks seem to get rarer and rarer each day, but natural disasters are still around."

Bakugou gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For what I did to him. If it wasn't for me he would have become a hero. And I know you two would have been close. I could tell, you cared about him didn't you?"

Uraraka gave him her own sad smile. "Yeah well, despite the fact he was supposed to be a villain, I could see the good in him. And it's not your fault. Besides, in the end, he decided to sacrifice himself to save everyone."

Bakugou looked at the statue one last time before walking away. "Yeah, you're right. Damn nerd proved to me he wasn't weak, and now I can confidently say that he also proved me wrong about what he could be. Well then Izuku, you did it, you became a hero."


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