17.Vigilante Vision

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The night before.

After leaving Amajiki and Fatgum, Izaya had talked with Deku to come up with a plan. After some arguing, they finally agreed on something and Izaya called Cat and asked for her help. After explaining things and gaining her cooperation, he pretended to go to sleep. A few minutes later, Amajiki came in and went to sleep.

But Izaya still pretended to sleep, waiting. After waiting some more, one of Tengai's portals appeared and Izaya got up before stepping through. Inside he put his vigilante outfit on before heading out. After exiting Tengai's pocket dimension, he found himself on top of a building.

"Alright Cat, where is he?"

"He actually is on his way back home now. He's going to be passing under you in a few seconds."

"Thanks." Izaya looked down and dropped down into an alleyway. A few seconds later a man passed by with a paper bag over his head. Izaya quickly reached out and grabbed him, making sure to muffle him so no one could hear him when he cried out. "Calm down Jin. I'm not here to hurt you."

Jin gave up, unable to overpower him and went still. After a few more seconds, Izaya let go of him and Jin turned around. "Who the hell are you? I know who you are! No I don't. Yes I do."

"Yeah calm down there buddy. I know you don't know me, but I know you. But I can't really explain how." Izaya reached out and grabbed Jin's hand. "You have a fear that you aren't the real you but that you're a clone right? Trust me, I know you're the real you."

"How could you? Of course you know."

"Broken bones enough to destroy a clone right?" Before Jin could do anything, Izaya gripped his hand and snapped his fingers. Jin howled in pain and staggered back, but Izaya didn't stop there. He stepped forward and kicked Jin in the knee, breaking it. Jin feel down to the ground clutching himself. "Well now you know you're the original." IZaya took off his gauntlets and placed a hand on Jin, using Overhaul to heal him. "And now you're healed. Well I don't know about mentally."

"You bastard, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jin scrambled up to his feet. "Don't think you're going to get away with that." After a few seconds passed, Jin looked down at his hands. "Why can't I make clones?"

"I took your quirk." Izaya answered. "Believe me, it's better this way. In the same way I know about you and your trauma, I know the future. You'd end up with a bad group, and then you'll die. Though I didn't just completely screw you over. While I took double from you, I gave you another quirk. It's a quirk that gives you hyper regenerative abilities. I took it from someone recently who was employed by a gang to fight people since it was hard to keep him down. You won't regrow limbs or anything, but you'll still heal much faster than most."

"W-why are you doing this?"

"I already told you. Before I go, I have some advice to give you. Try to reform yourself. I can send a friend who can help you out. But trust me, stay away from crime. If someone tries to force you back then we'll help, but please try to avoid crime. I can't have a friend dying when I could have helped them."

"Wait, friend?"

Izaya patted Jin on the shoulder before turning around. He crouched down and used OFA to jump to the top of the building. Once there he called Tengai and a portal opened in front of him. Once in the pocket dimension he changed back to normal clothes and returned to Fatgum's agency and went to sleep. In the morning he changed into his hero costume before going to the restroom, and once there he signalled Tengai. A portal opened up and he created a clone for himself, leaving it behind as he stepped into the portal and came out at the house.

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