2.Another New Life

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Izuku walked into the apartment, Taigen closing the door behind him and locking it. Izuku walked straight for the living room, knowing the layout from having been there once, and sat down on a couch next to Ai who was watching TV. Ai looked at him, confused at how he just walked in and sat next to her, and wondered what he was even doing here.

“All right, talk, who the hell are you,” Taigen asked. “And you seemed to know the layout of this place, so I would like to know how, and how is it that you think you know me?”

“Ooh, you’re being pretty serious. Either I caught you guys in the middle of one of your arguments or antics, you’re shaken up, or something else has you bothered. Hey Ai, am I close?” Taigen began to raise a hand, and guessing it was an attack, Izuku held up his hands. “Whoa dude, chill. Man, I remember you being more fun than this. Either I’m really annoying you or this is another difference. Now as for how I know about you guys, and not just you two but your whole group, there is a simple, but kinda unbelievable explanation for that. Well two kinda, I haven’t really figured which one it is.”

“Just get to the point already,” Taigen growled.

“ALright, so theory one is that I somehow traveled through time.  The other is both that and that I traveled from another dimension. An alternate universe.”

Taigen and Ai looked at him for a second, but then Taigen lifted his hand again. “Alright, I’ve already had enough of this crap. I’ll make you regret coming here to mess with us.”

“Taigen Rifuto, twin brother of Taiyo Rifuto and has three younger siblings. Your parents are divorced, probably because of all the stress and emotions that they went through when you were kidnapped. You spent a few years pretty much living as a gladiator, and to this day, you still have the occasional nightmare from that time. Your quirk allows you to pretty much rip holes in reality, allowing you to create portals, slice things, or create your own little pocket dimension where you store things. At least, as far as you know. But I believe your quirk can do more than that. You were the one who ended up sending me here, though it wasn’t intentional.”

Taigen instantly scowled at Izuku at the mention of his past. As soon as he was done talking he stepped forward and grabbed Izuku’s neck. “How the hell do you know about that stuff? And don’t feed me that crap about time travel or interdimensional travel.”

Even with his neck being grabbed, Izuku smiled up at Taigen. “But it’s the truth. Let me tell you, it was weird seeing another me, especially when they do things differently than I had. Now lets see, proof, proof, what to use as proof. Oh I know. First rule of this group is we don’t talk about Maria’s height. She’ll kill you. Second rule, Don’t mess with her friends or she really will become a demonic beast of destruction. Third, don’t get between either Sadao or Monterio and food.”

Taigen loosened his grip, looking at Izuku in surprise. “Hold up, I made that up as a joke. One I haven’t told anyone.”

“Yet,” Izuku corrected. He turned to Ai who was just watching them, apparently finding some kind of interest in this. “Well anyway, it’s not like I asked to be sent here, but I got to say, Its better than the alternative. I’ll take this over getting killed. Now if only you had made it too, then it would be at least a bit easier to convince you. Though you would probably think Ai was messing with you again. Actually, if you were able to make it as well then this might not have happened. You did kinda fling me through that portal with pretty much your dying breath. Well whatever, let's start the long and probably kinda boring talk to finally convince you.”

And so he did, and while it wasn’t easy, Izuku was eventually able to convince Taigen and Ai, as well as Maria and Sadao who showed up halfway. After some more discussions and negotiating, Izuku was able to convince them to allow him to stay with them, at least for the time being. While he didn’t remember the reason why it had happened, he knew there would be a change that would help him take care of that. If his plan worked that is.

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