21.Training Camp Begins

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After the test, it was declared that two teams had failed. MIna and Kaminari's team, and Sato and Kirishima's team. Then Sero also failed because he was put to sleep right away by Midnight, but Tsu who was his partner, was able to quickly get past and cleared the exam by escaping.

But Aizawa then told them that everyone would be going to the training camp, saying those who failed needed it the most. After class, Hagakure proposed that they all go to the mall the next day since they had the day off, which reminded Izaya of something. I-Island.

"Sorry, I can't go," he told everyone. "I have some things I need to take care of."

"Ah, are you serious," Mina asked. "Can't it wait? I'm sure this shopping trip will be fun, especially with you there."

"Yeah, you seem to be able to make things seem more fun," Uraraka agreed.

"Ah, you're exaggerating. And this is something that's really important and I have to take care of, and soon."

"Oh, is it something serious," Yaoyorozu asked. "I would be glad to help you in any way I can."

"Yeah, me too," Izuku told him.

"No, it's alright. You guys don't need to concern yourself with it, I can handle this myself. You guys should have fun tomorrow."

"But you help us out all the time, it wouldn't be very cool of us to not repay the favor," Jiro said.

Izaya shook his head and pulled down the goggles on his head before walking to a window and opening it. "I'm telling you, it's fine. Well then, peace out." Before they could say anything else, IZaya stepped out and used his pyrokinesis to lower himself down to the ground. He then quickly ran back to the house, wanting to get started on I-Island.

At least that was the plan, but once again he was met with a surprise when he arrived. According to Taigen, Cat had discovered something.

"What do you mean it's too late?"

"Exactly what I said. They're trying to keep it under wraps, but apparently someone has already stolen the professor's device. It happened last night, and so far they have no leads at all. No one was hurt, no one saw anything, it was like it just vanished."

"How is that possible? I-Island is supposed to have probably the best security system on the planet. The only one on its level is the system at Tartarus. Yet they have nothing?"

"That's what I've been telling you."

"Ah shit. So now there's a villain out there with their quirk amplified like crazy. Well I guess it's good that the professor won't get in trouble for this and no one got hurt. But still, I have a really bad feeling about this. I feel like the League and that new person is connected somehow."

"Yeah, this can't be good. All this on top of your troubles with Deku. Speaking of which, is he still silent?"

"Yeah, and it's getting unnerving. Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"A plan and precaution, in case I ever lose control."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well there are several things, but it would be much better if the first plan works. And that is for you to kill me swiftly and without mercy with your quirk."

A week later, all of class a was on a bus heading to the training camp. Everyone was talking about their time at I-Island and the espo that had taken place. "Hey Izaya, I was surprised when I saw everyone from our class there except for you," Yaoyorozu said. "Is it because of that business you had to take care of? I told you I would have been glad to help if you needed me too."

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