the truth

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Levi felt his insides turn as he shook in fear, careful not to wake Yuki as she slept in his arms. The absolute terror that invaded his body as he stared at her peaceful features made him want to scream; though he was screaming internally, he wouldn't dare disturb the peace that she had brought to him just moments before. Everything they had just shared, the love they expressed to one another, now seemed tarnished by everything he remembered; yes, he remembered everything. Body still shaking, tears still spilling from his eyes, he slid himself from the bed and made his way out of the room, his body essentially on auto pilot as he walked towards the front door. What he didn't count on was seeing Kage sitting in the kitchen, eyes narrowed at him as he stared at him with wide eyes. Levi had no idea how long he and Yuki had been in her room; however, seeing the sun shining outside the windows in the living room indicated that much time hadn't really passed. Seeing Kage there had startled him to say the least, but it was as if his mind had tuned him out as he continued on outside the front door, not wanting to pay attention to the eyes that were glaring at him.

When he was outside, the sun glaring down on his face, the weight of all his memories came crashing down on him as he sat down at the steps at the front. It was all coming back to him as he remembered that fateful day, their mission to retake Wal Maria. It was such a blur to him, seeing as the mission had seemingly been lost from the start, and as he had the beast titan in his grasp, he'd defeated it with a great deal of difficulty; though he was unable to destroy the host inside, he thought they stood a fighting chance in finding out what was inside Eren's basement, the secrets his father left behind - but fate had other plans. The armored titan had succeeded in defeating Eren and all my comrades were dead. As soon as he had stepped on to the wall, I'd seen the carnage, the city aflame, and knew that everything we had fought for had been lost. Eren was nowhere to be found and he was all that remained of the scouts regiment. In that moment, as he stared at the flaming city, he slid himself down the wall and, with what little energy he had left, he ran towards one of the remaining horses and headed towards the forest. He essentially remembered being dead to rights, with Eren's key firmly clutched in his hand as he whipped through the trees in the forest nearby and, as evident by the towering sounds behind him, he knew that Reiner his comrades had somewhat of an idea of where he was.

The picture of it grew clearer in his mind as his eyes gazed into the clouds above him, tears streaming down his face as the memories of how he came to be in this world reentered his mind. He remembered the blue light that had appeared as he fell from the trees that he had been traversing, remembered the sounds of the titans behind him as he clawed his way towards it, and then he remembered everything just ceasing to exist and, in an instant, he thought his life had finally run its course; however, fate, as cruel as it had been in that moment, decided to place him here in this world where Yuki and her uncle existed.

As lost in his thoughts as he was, he didn't notice the footsteps beside him or the body that ungracefully decided to sit next to him; then, as his eyes turned towards the body next to him, he realized that it was Yuki's uncle, quite possibly there to question him on why he was so distraught.

"I take it you remember?" Kage asked, arms crossed and a toothpick in his mouth as he gazed over at him. Frowning, Levi gave him a slow nod before resting his head against his knees as more tears threatened to escape.

"Everything," Levi began, breath shaky and uneven. Tilting his head to the side, he closed his eyes and nodded his head once more. "I remember everything." Placing a hand against his back, Kage patted it softly and released a soft sigh.

"Must be really bad if it's got you this worked up." He didn't want to press Levi for too much in the moment, but he knew that he needed answers from him, regardless of how distraught he was. He could sense by Levi's disposition that he'd just had a terrifying revelation and, judging by how shaken he was, he knew he needed a minute or two to calm himself down so, as he softly rubbed his back, he placed his free hand atop his head and forced Levi to look up at him. "Let's go for a walk Levi."

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