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Author's note:

This is just going to be a quick filler chapter before I start getting deep in to the story. I'm so excited that people are actually reading my story. I hope the moment's between the pair are getting better. I just want their relationship to have a really strong foundation. Even if it takes chapters and chapters of mundane fluffy moments, I'd rather have those insignificant moments define their love then the heated acts of passion that I normally see in any Levi/oc story.

I want to thank the people who've been reading my story. I know you aren't commenting but having people actually look at it is enough for me. Still, I would appreciate comments so I can improve.

Love you lots,


Yuki and Levi had watched about thirty minutes of the film before falling asleep next to each other. Her head rested upon his shoulder and laid atop her head with his arm resting behind her back. Their drew comfort from one another in a way that was hard to comprehend, seeing as they'd only just met. Though their situations were quite different, they had many things in common. Levi was searching for his memories, searching for a way to mend his broken sense of self and Yuki was their to repair the self-esteem she'd let shatter over the years.

It was an adorable sight for Yuki's uncle to see when he walked out of his room that morning, such a nice vision to see that he almost didn't have the heart to wake them up; but, he knew that he had to wake them. He had many things to discuss with them and, as impatient as he was, didn't have time to wait around for them. So, he slowly walked over to Yuki's side, knelt down beside her, and gently began to tug at her shoulder.

"Yuki," he said as he rubbed the top of her head. "It's time to get up." Unresponsive to his actions Yuki, still asleep, nuzzled herself in to the crook of Levi's neck and wrapped her arm around his chest. She clung on to him like a soft pillow and, still in the throws of sleep, held on to him as tight as she could. Her uncle was about to walk over and attempt to wake Levi but Yuki's actions were enough to draw him out of his slumber.

With his eyes partially open, he titled his face towards Yuki and felt a familiar heat rise on to his face. As he recalled the events that led them to this position, he felt heartbeat grow faster and faster. He'd been a reckless mess before her but, thankfully, she didn't judge him. She simply gave him the comfort he needed after the nightmare he'd had. He placed a hand on top of her head and looked up at her uncle, the blush still blatantly obvious on his face and, hoping her uncle wouldn't get the wrong idea, he began to form an apology on his lips; however, Kage interrupted him before he could even get the words out.

Laughing, Kage lightly slapped Levi on the shoulder. He looked down at his niece, back up to Yuki, then towards the window. Beams of sunlight had begun to shine through the blinds and the faint sounds of birds chirping in the distance could be heard.

Levi was honestly at a loss for words as he stared at her uncles back. The situation was embarrassing and brought an immense blush to his face but, as he stared at Yuki's body pressed up against his, he felt a sense of peace still throughout his entire being - a calming sensation that he didn't want to part from at the moment. Still, he had some worry in his mind as her uncle spoke to him. He didn't want him to get the wrong impression, didn't want her uncle to think he was some lecherous man with ill intentions; his worries, however, were stilled once her uncle began to humorously speak to him.

"You don't have to worry," he said with his face still turned towards the window. "That's just how she is. She spends more time worrying about other people than she does herself." He looked down at his niece, a melancholic smile forming on his lips as he watched her sleeping form gripping at Levi's stomach; then, with his back turned away from the pair, he slowly started to head to the kitchen. "I'll let you be the one to wake her."

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