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I wrote another chapter lol! I attempted to write a little bit of fluff between Levi and Yuki. The chapter doesn't start out warm or huggy feely but, if you keep reading, it has a really sweet ending.

Things are actually starting to heat up now and I actually plan to move the pace quite a bit in the line of the story. So far, I haven't even made it past the first two days so I'll probably end up doing a MAJOR time skip lol....probably a month or so.

If anyone would like to collaborate with me on this story, feel free to shoot me some messages because I've always wanted to work on stories with other users.

Your suggestions are highly wanted and will be appreciated once I receive them. I want this story to be something that everyone loves - not just me. Sure, I want to like this story but I want to create something that everyone enjoys so please tell me what you want.

I may even attempt to do some one shot lemons in the near future. Lol. I went to my fanfiction account earlier today and read the first lemon I ever wrote and nearly wet my fucking pants. It was god awful. Hell, I was fifteen when I wrote it so I understand why it sucked eggs words can describe how cringe worthy it was.

To everyone,

thank you and have a wonderful day.


if you haven't checked it out, watch attack on titan abridged on youtube. There are two sets for the series but the ones with Levi are fucking hilarious. I'll post one here for you to watch.

Yuki woke up that morning and, according to the round clock in the living room, it was four a.m. Through half-lidded eyes she tilted her head to look at Levi and, eyes wide with shock, noticed that he was drenched in sweat. He had a pained look on his face and his shoulders were shaking. He was having a nightmare, one that she knew she didn't need to wake him from. She knew first hand the horrors of waking someone up from terrors such as those. On her first day as an intern, she had decided to do just that when one of the patients began shaking in his sleep. Needless to say, it ended with said patient nearly choking her to death and is the biggest reason as to why she never wakes anyone up from nightmares.

"He looks so terrible," she said. She kept her eyes focused on his grieving body, not wanting to move a muscle as she watched him suffer in silence. She combed a hand through her hair, drew her free hand to the ground, and began to lightly graze the wooden floor below with the tip of her finger. "I hope you wake up soon," she whispered as she stared at her silhouette. "You've already been in enough pain."

The nightmare Levi was having went on for what seemed like hours; however, according to the clock only thirty minutes had passed. Time always seemed to slow to a turtles pace when you actually paid attention and, in a moment like this, the slow passage of time was the last thing Yuki wanted her mind to focus on. She wanted Levi's nightmare to end, wanted it to dissipate in to thin air so she could take care of him the only way she knew how. She was a nurse, had spent a great deal of her life taking care of others so this, to her, was second nature; and, for the first time in a while, she actually felt like she could actually make a difference.

When Levi finally opened his eyes they were wide with fear. His hands gripped at the sides of his face as his head turned to the ground. His body was shaking and the loud drum of his heart was pounding in to his ears. The effects of the nightmare weighed down on his body, shook his very core but he couldn't recall a single thing that led him to the shaking mess he now was. It almost didn't feel like a nightmare - more like a memory - and that fact disturbed him greatly. Fragments of who he was were lost in the hidden spaces of his mind and he was too weak to put them back together.

Worlds apart (Levi/OC)Where stories live. Discover now