Mysterious stranger

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The next few moments went by in a blur for Yuki, still unable to register the events that happened to her by the waterfall. She could vaguely make out her uncle quick words of comfort as he spoke to her on the phone, as he tried to calm her enough to make sense of the situation. Even after her tears had subsided, her body still shook in fear as she took in the sickly appearance of the man sitting next to her. He was loosing blood, a lot of blood, and she couldn't make out where it was coming from so she carefully wrapped her hands around the mans stomach and began to pull off his shirt. A painful gasp escaped his mouth, his face relaying to Yuki that her movements were hurting him but Yuki kept pushing forward. She realized that if she didn't find where the blood was coming from, if she didn't slow it down, then he might bleed out and die in front of her. As it stood, he could barely keep his eyes open but the pain throughout his body kept his body stable enough to fight the sleep his so desperately wanted. Wincing in pain, he turned to face Yuki and attempted to reach out to her, attempted to shift his body in a more comfortable position but ended up nearly falling on top of her in the process.

"You don't need to move!" Yuki cried, watching as the man's face fell in to the crook of her neck. Not caring about the blood staining her shirt, she pushed him back against the tree. By then, she had moved his shirt up enough so that she could his abdomen and let out a shocked cry when she noticed a deep and painful gash down his right side and, before she could even think about how it got there, she quickly finished removing his shirt.

"This might hurt but bear with me," she said as she brought the bloodstained shirt up to her mouth. In one quick motion she ripped the material with her mouth, not paying any mind to the taste, and began to wrap the shirts remains around his body. It was a blotchy job but was the best she could do in a situation like this. A painful scream escaped from his mouth as he clenched his side. But before he could make any more sudden movements, Yuki grabbed his hands a placed them on her shoulders.

She looked towards the road, hoping for any sign of her uncle but knew it would be a while longer before he made it to them. She didn't know what to make of the situation, didn't have time to think about anything other than the man in front of her and how to help him, how to make sure he stayed awake and alive. She almost let her mind wander off but before that could happen she felt the man shake against her, a sob escaping his mouth as his head fell on to her shoulder. His eyes were wide with fear and Yuki noticed that tears were slowly starting to roll down his face. Yuki could only stare at the man in shock as he broke down in front of her. His body was shaking hard enough to vibrate her entire body, her fear breaking down her resolve as as she placed a hand on top of his head, her hands combing through the bloodied mess.

"Everything's going to be okay," she said, her eyes focused on the trembling man beneath her gaze. "My uncle will be here soon to take us to the hospital."

The man's head shot up, his eyes bunched together in confusion. It struck Yuki as odd, the way he looked at her as though she'd said something out of the ordinary but she let it slide off her shoulder and continued to stare in to his bewildered eyes.

"There's a hospital not far from here," she continued as she bit against her lower lip. "You need to have that injury looked at properly before it gets any worse."

He looked down at his side, at the shirt poorly wrapped around his stomach, and nodded his head. He still had a look of confusion on his head but the thought of going somewhere to relieve the pain was enough to still his fears for the moment.

"I..." he began but before he could finish, Yuki shook her head and pressed a finger to his lips.

"You shouldn't speak right now," she said, her eyes lit with worry. "You just need to sit here and wait on my uncle."

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