painful memories

22 1 3

Authors note:

So, I had to republish this because I had wattpad opened up on my phone and it accidentally changed everything I'd written. Thankfully, I had everything saved on my account so I was able to get everything back.

This chapter is much longer than all the others so I'm happy!

This goes out to all the people reading my story:

I love each and everyone of you and thank you for reading my story!

With a day of shopping ahead of them, Yuki and Levi quickly left the kitchen to get ready. Still without any clothes of her own, Yuki decided to go through the clothes that were boxed up in her old room and, after settling on a plain black shirt and a faded pair of jeans, left the messy room and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Without any clothes of his own, Levi still wore her uncles low hanging shirt and, not wanting to take him outside wearing that monstrosity, forced her uncle to go through his closet to find something a bit more suitable for Levi to wear. Her uncle was quite a bit taller than Levi, could easily see over his head, and the prospect of wearing any of her uncles jeans was completely out of the question; so, after searching through many shirts and shorts, her uncle settled on a pair of running shorts that he could no longer fit in to and a white shirt that, though loose fitting on Levi's figure, didn't look like a dress on him.

Holding the clothes that were given to him, Levi patiently waited for Yuki to finish her shower then, after waiting for a good half hour, was finally able to go in to the bathroom to prepare himself for the day. When he first stepped in to the shower, he didn't understand what to do and, not wanting to confuse Yuki with any more of his questions, decided to play it by ear and learn for himself. After a few unsuccessful attempts, attempts that either left him freezing or scalding hot, he finally got the water to a temperature that suited his body and quickly took his shower. Strangely, he felt a huge wave of relief wash over him as he cleaned himself and, as the water rained down on him, a small hint of a memory returned to him. It wasn't a huge revelation but it was enough to put his mind at ease as he cleansed himself with the mint body wash that her uncle had provided them. When he was finished, he reached for the towel he'd hung on a nearby rack and, wrapping it around his waist, walked towards the vanity and began to dry his hair with the other towel he'd sat on top of it. Feeling rejuvenated, he put the clothes, opened the door, and stepped outside to meet an excited Yuki waiting for him.

"So," she said as she raised her fist in to the air. "Are you ready to go shopping?" She was extremely enthusiastic about the expedition they were about to embark on, mainly because she knew they'd be returning to Osaka to shop for his clothes and, since they'd be in Osaka for a least a small portion of the day, she wanted to spend some of that time visiting her friend. She'd sent Miyako a text earlier before taking her shower telling her to meet her at one of the shops nearby the hospital by noon, so that gave them plenty of time to board the train and have some time to walk around the city before meeting up with her.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," he replied as he stared at himself in a nearby mirror. "Hopefully we can find some clothes that actually fit me." Though the clothes fit better than the shirt he'd been wearing earlier, he still felt extremely uncomfortable in them and wanted to wear something that didn't make him look like a child. Laughing, Yuki patted him on the head then proceeded to walk to the front door.

"We'll definitely find something in Osaka," she said as she checked the time on her phone. "But we need to hurry or we'll miss the train." Nodding his head, Levi walked up to her and said their goodbyes to her uncle as they stepped outside.

Rather than have her uncle drive them, the pair decided a brisk walk to the train station was better suited for the light mood that they were in. There was a slight overcast above them as they trotted along the path but it wasn't ominous in the slightest, just enough to shield the blinding sunlight from their eyes and, due to their pale complexions, protection from the suns smoldering rays was a godsend. Yuki had put on sunscreen before they left but, even so, her skin never failed well on sunny days; judging by how fair Levi's skin appeared, she assumed it was the same for him.

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