Time together

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Authors note:

I've been reading a lot of josei, shoujo, and seinen manga recently so this chapter is going to be greatly influenced by everything I read over the week. I really hope you guys like this chapter. 


There is smut in this chapter. It isn't vulgar or obscene. I try to keep it sensual but, at the same time, also want to immerse the reader in to another world while they read it. I will never use words like penis, cock, dick, vagina, or any other stupid words to describe manly and womanly parts in my story. This isn't a fucking porno, it's a romance novel with smut as an added bonus. 

I will also say that I am extremely nervous about this chapter because I haven't written a sex scene in over nine years and that scene was utter garbage.  I will also add that the smut scene has graphic depictions of oral sex...in a sense I'm going to wait a few chapters for the actually deed to happen because that needs to be something special. If they just fuck right now then it means absolutely nothing and, in my opinion, is a waste of my time and effort. 

This goes out to all my viewers and readers!

I love all of you and and so happy that everyone is reading my story. Feel free to give me reviews and comments and, if you really like this chapter, let me know because I worked hard on it. IT'S OVER 6000! lol. 

I'm such a dork. 

Yuki had many thoughts racing through her mind on the train ride back to Kyoto. Her eyes and face were focused on the scenery outside her window but the memories from earlier were still fresh and lingering and, as she ghosted the tips of her fingers along her lips, she recalled the sensation of Levi's lips against hers and the moment they'd shared in the dressing room. She'd been an absolute mess and he'd been there to comfort her during her breakdown; however, the new development in their relationship - if one could call it that - was at the epicenter of all her current insecurities. The nearing night sky drew her thoughts towards how the night would play out for the two of them. She'd wanted to be home a bit earlier but, an unscheduled maintenance stop in Tokyo, delayed the train for nearly six hours. Thankfully, there were plenty of things for them to to do while they waited. She understood that he'd only kissed her to calm her down - and it worked - but the end result from that reaction allowed her mind to think on things that made her quite uncomfortable. She'd only known him for two days. Perhaps the relevance of that information wasn't as important as she'd thought but it still weighed hard on her heart. The strong connection she had with him made her uncomfortable, set forth a foreign emotion throughout her body that she'd never experienced before, and she had no idea how to comprehend those feelings. 

Thankfully, Levi had fallen asleep shortly after the train left Osaka for, if he'd been awake, he'd certainly notice the worried expression that had showered on her face. He sat across from her with his head resting against the window. His shallow breaths played a gently melody with stray hairs against his face, swaying gently to a tune all on its own and one that only Yuki could see and hear. The serene expression on his face melted Yuki's heart as she stared at his sleeping form, an emotion that swept throughout her entire body and left her breathless. If she had enough courage and strength to manage an attempt, she'd cross the distance between them and rest her head against his but all she could do was sit there and watch the steady rising of his chest as he slept across from her. He was beautiful. She knew so little about him, only knew how he made her feel, and those feelings were pushing her towards wanting to understand everything about him, made her want to tell him everything about herself - and that terrified her. 

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