Years of Longing (Draco Malfoy x Reader)

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description: in which an unrequited love of Draco Malfoy has gone on too long

word count: 1.9k words

Simply put you were awkward. The deeper explanation went into feeling of worthlessness and the discomfort in your own skin. Coming from a muggle-born family, the first introduction to magic you experienced would be when Headmaster Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry appeared on your doorstep. Needless to say, you and your parents were completely dumbfounded by the notion you possessed magical blood. Fast forward five years and while the idea of you being a witch had sunk in, the foreign feeling had not. Your first boat ride into Hogwarts all those years ago had been a nerve wracking one. The nervousness had only intensified when a brown, weathered hat had been placed atop your head in front of a sea of unfamiliar faces. The thoughts in your head were riddled with insecurity and doubt as you did not know what to expect. You had heard several other first years whisper among themselves of the four houses you could have belonged to. The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses seemed to be the most well respected of the four while the Hufflepuff house was described to be the most accepting and loving. It was the Slytherin house that brought unease into your body. Your new peers were explaining the darkness and misery that loomed over the silver and green coated house which immediately made it your last hope. The only positivity you heard towards Slytherin was from a bright blonde boy who brought you out of your train of thought as his pompous voice announced he would be a Slytherin, the best house in all of Hogwarts. His confidence only made you more conflicted but somehow, his voice brought some peace to your demeanor. All of the sudden a voice startled you but it seemed that only you could hear it's words "I feel your worry, so great for someone so young. However I also see great strength mixed with innate intelligence. A streak of stubbornness as well. A complexity truly; somehow belonging everywhere and nowhere all at once. But I believe I know what is best." Silence was in your ears again as the hat pondered his decision. You could not even mull over his words until a booming voice shouted out "SLYTHERIN" with a roar of elated voices coming from the far table. Tears threatened to spill over your eyes as your worst fears were confirmed for everyone to hear until the blonde boy from early clapped loudly and flashed you a bright smile. Warmth grew in your cheeks as you hesitantly returned the smile. Suddenly Hogwarts didn't seem so cold and frightening anymore.


"Miss. Y/L/N I believe it would pay you wisely to listen" McGonagall said sternly which effectively woke you from your daydream. "My apologies Professor" you uttered quietly, more embarrassed than anything. Your embarrassment only grew when the silver boy next to you slightly chuckled. Cheeks red, you hid your face hoping Draco would not notice. The memory of your first encounter with him was forever replaying in your mind; his sparkling smile always bringing you joy. Since that night, you harbored something for Draco, something you could not understand in the slightest. In the beginning of your first year, your fellow Slytherins, Draco especially, were kind to you and it helped ease the anxiety you felt after hearing all the nasty rumors of the house. His kindness would not last long, however, after a conversation about ancestry lead to the discovery of your muggle parents. Draco seemed shocked and almost disgusted when he learned about your backstory and would keep his distance. Snide comments, stares, and ignorance of you continued on from him and his posse. Each one hurt deeper than the one before but after five years of the same behavior you had started to grow accustomed to it. But the memory of that smile and kindness made you believe Draco's true nature was goodness and you desperately desired to see it. But for now, the boy next you would continue his antics while your head was in the cloud, hoping for a different outcome. McGonagall had then finished her lecture and dismissed everyone. As you gathered your books and headed into the hall, you noticed your best friend Diane. Despite being a seventh year, and you only a sixth, she never treated you differently. Her acceptance of everyone was one of the many things you loved about her. She flashed you a smile before joining you on your walk back to the courtyard. "Hey Y/N, back from Transfiguration? How was it?" a simple shrug in response was all she needed to know, "Draco dream again? Seriously what is it with you and this kid Y/N? Of ALL the boys in this school you pick him?" Diane continued on but her rant fell on your deaf ears. She, like most of your peers, was not a fan of Mr. Draco Malfoy. You only got the courage to admit your secret crush on him to her last year after harboring it deep inside for four years. To say she was upset would be an understatement. 20 minutes after a disgusted rant about his bullying tendencies, his superiority, and smug attitude she simply forbade anything from happening. Since that night you have tried to avoid the Draco topic to prevent another one of her outbursts, but alas your feelings were too obvious, at least to Diane. "Helloooooo are you even listening? Y/N seriously I am trying to help you! If you keep blocking me out I am going to take back my support" Shock filled your body. "Wait what? Support? What are you even talking about Diane?" She laughed. "Okay you really weren't listening to me. What I was trying to say is I've been doing some thinking and realized that if you really like him then I need to be a good friend and support you. So I have decided to help make him fall in love with you so you can finally shut up about how mean he is but how you can't stop liking him. You stopped in your tracks, her nonchalant statement left you stunned for how out of character it was. "Are you being serious? Why the change of heart?" A simple shrug of her shoulders was all she had to say for a moment. "You gotta try and talk to him Y/N. Like truly have a conversation. Maybe he's not so much of an arse but you won't know unless you talk to him." You hit her arm. "Okay ow I am trying at least but let me be mean sometimes. But Im serious, talk to the kid, get to know him for truly how he is and three things could happen. 1- you realize he really is a jerk and you lose your schoolgirl crush, 2- a simple conversation happens and nothing more, or 3- a simple conversation happens and something happens. The odds are in your favor, what's the worst that could happen?" You pondered what she said "I mean the worst is I embarrass myself fully and I have to sit next to him for the rest of this year and the next and my life is over." Diane laughed "Oh so overdramatic. Just trust me, I have a good feeling." You both finished your walk in silence until you reached the Slytherin Common Room. "Here I leave you but trust me Y/N. I love you and you better tell me tomorrow if you actually get the guts to say something." She gave you a quick hug as she headed to the Ravenclaw Common Room. Now alone you mulled over everything Diane said. Starting a conversation wouldn't be too hard, right? Were you socially awkward? Yes. Do you get embarrassed easily? Yes. But Diane was right, you really had nothing to lose. Taking a deep breath you spoke the password and entered. Lo and behold, the common room was completely empty except for one Draco Malfoy. He was sitting on a gray couch reading a charms textbook, clearly frustrated and red in the face. Professor Flitwick recently assigned a rather lengthy essay on Nonverbal spells which you figured was what Draco was upset over. In a sudden burst of courage you walked over to him. "Hey Draco, is that the Nonverbal spells assignment?" You anxiously waited his response when suddenly his vivid blue eyes met yours. He sighed and simply replied "Yes." Courage once again filled your body as you responded, "Well if you need help with this assignment, or any others, I'd be glad to help. Charms is my favorite subject." You mentally pat yourself on your back, proud that you didn't stumble over your words and you manage to keep your voice rather nonchalant. Watching Draco all alone, vulnerable even, changed his demeanor completely. He always stood so confidently, radiating it everywhere when he was with Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was very intimidating and quite frightening to be honest.  But now, as he sit alone in the common room, he seemed like a normal, awkward sixteen year old boy. His hair messy over his eyes, instead of perfectly placed, and his clothes were slightly wrinkled. Slumped shoulders and undone tie made him look so approachable as well. Admiring this rare state was not helping your crush and it was even worse when he sighed and looked into your eyes. "Thank you Y/N, I appreciate that." You smiled and started to walk away, proud of the little progress you made and not wanting to ruin it, when Draco began speaking again. "Y/N wait. I..I..I want to apologize to you." You turned to meet his now standing frame, completely sure you were hearing things. "What?" "I want to apologize to you. I know it comes a little too late. I have not been the best to you, especially this year, and I felt the need to say sorry for being so rude to you. You've been nothing but kind to me and this year has been so difficult for me I just felt the need to say something. I feel bad for laughing today in Transfiguration, I feel bad for the Muggle born comments I've made, I feel bad for ignoring you, I feel bad for mocking you, I feel bad for..." He took a deep breath and paused from his rambling. His eyes looked different, they were genuine and they were sad, and his whole posture was slumped. You were completely dumbfounded by what was happening and almost expected a 'sike!' just by how out of character it was. He met your eyes once again. "Basically I am sorry for being such an arse and for everything. I hope you can forgive me." You slightly smiled at the arse comment, remembering what Diane had said earlier, and looked back at him. "Thank you Draco,  your apology means a lot to me. I forgive you." He beamed and a look of worry suddenly left him and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Silence passed between the both of you as you stared into each others eyes. The air between the two of you had changed drastically and you fantasied if this could be the start of something straight from your dreams. His smile now directly matched his one from so long ago, and you found yourself feeling the same warmth  as your first night as a Slytherin.

A/N this is my first story! I am a huge Harry Potter fan and wanted to try something new:) please leave comments on what I can improve on and ideas! 

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