Grade School Crush (Harry Potter x Reader)

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description: Harry Potter was just that to you, Harry Potter. he was your sweet friend and the love of your life in your ten year old eyes. what happens when he suddenly leaves for Hogwarts?

word count: 1.2k

The sound of screams filled the air as everyone was finally dismissed for recess. The sky was party cloudy as bright sun rays desperately tried to greet the earth down below. A breeze filled the air and carried the smell of grass all throughout the courtyard. All the children reached their "spots" in the yard as you took yours on the swing. Your hair was pulled back with a bright pink headband, brand new, and you were beyond excited to wear it. However, no one seemed to notice. No one seemed to notice you ever. And that's why you were slowly swinging all alone. Your parents had always told you how special you were but in your seven year old mind, it meant nothing. The children at school were mean but they were right. You were a bit weird, you did sometimes talk too much, you said silly things, you were socially inept almost. Their comments rattled off in your head as the chains of the swings scraping filled your ears. "Hi Y/N. Can I sit here?" In front of you was Harry Potter, big clothes, round glasses and all. He smiled at you and you shook your head with a matching grin. Harry and you were friends as you both understood what it was like to be made fun of and to be lonely. You both chatted the rest of recess about everything and anything. This was a ritual with the two of you and it was the highlight of your day. As the bell rang to dismiss all students, Harry turned to you "I like your headband Y/N! Is it new?" Your heart burst as someone noticed and you told him it was. Harry just always had the ability to brighten your mood and say the right things. You were so grateful for him and he was for you. The school year was spent with swing talk sessions, book swaps, hiding from Dudley, and being partners for every assignment. In your little mind, Harry was your future husband. He may have been your only and best friend but you had the biggest crush on him. How could you not? Harry liked all the things you did and he was so kind so you were going to marry him. Easy as that. Your crush was going exponentially with every passing day. When summer break was about to come, it broke your heart to say goodbye to Harry but he promised he would see you back in September. He shared the same feelings you did but was too scared to say anything for fear of embarrassing himself or losing his only friendship. He wanted her far away from Privet Drive so it would be several months before he could see her again. Harry could not wait for September to come sooner.

You turned eleven, went on holiday with your family, played with your cousins, and you missed Harry, your one true friend. The first day of school you came ready with a pink shirt, matching pink headband, and a white skirt. You were so excited to finally see Harry and catch up over what had happened over the summer. But when you got to class he wasn't there and he never showed up. When you finally got the courage to ask Dudley where Harry was, he scoffed at you and awkwardly said he went away to boarding school. Thinking Dudley was pranking you (he had to be, Harry wouldn't leave you), you asked your teacher and she confirmed the worst: Harry Potter was gone. You spent your recess crying in the bathroom stall as you couldn't understand what was going on. All you knew was you missed your Harry Potter. The rest of the year was extremely hard but you managed to make other friends except none were Harry. You didn't see him again and you couldn't contact him as he never gave his aunt and uncles address or number and you were too scared to ask Dudley. School was different for you but you wondered if it was just as different for him.

While you were learning multiplication he was meeting the man who betrayed his parents. When you got the lead in the school play, he was watching his friend get murdered in front of him. While you cried after your first high school boyfriend dumped you, he watched as the only parental figure he knew disappear and die in front of him. When you walked the stage to receive your diploma, he walked into a forest sacrificing himself for the world while his friends and peers fought and died by him. You would never understand everything he would experience or what he would be known as. And yet, Harry Potter was the one person in your life to look beyond you, to see into your heart and know truly who you were. Harry Potter, despite how nasty other kids were, never failed to be kind. He wasn't the Boy who Lived to you but rather just Harry. He was special to you, not because he survived, but because he lived his life with true goodness and morals even at a young age. You often wonder what happened to him and why he disappeared. Every night since the first day of grade six, you wished he would return so you could see his green eyes and bright smile once more. You wished he would be thinking of you just as you were him. And in a castle many miles away, that same boy would hope you found your place as he had. That you would find loyal friends and to be able to understand your purpose. When the threat of imminent death was over, Harry thought that he might finally have the chance to see you again. To really know you, and perhaps, really be with you. 

Trains roared past as a line of people waited for the next one. The white marble of King Cross Station was familiar and safe, and yet, something felt different to you. The air was still stale. the trains were still loud, the people were still rude and pushy. But today it was different. Peering over the crowd you desperately looked for something out of the ordinary. And then the world stopped. Directly in front of you was Harry Potter. His eyes, still glowing brightly under his round frames, seemed exhausted, his posture was stiff and yet somehow relaxed. Harry had the same messy brown hair, beautiful green eyes, and kinda aura as he did so many years ago. He finally was wearing clothes that fit him and when you caught his eye, he smiled so large it looked as if it hurt. You never raced over to someone so fast and without thinking you embraced him. Harry hugged you back as years of longing and hurt was passed silently between the two of you. At last, you were reunited. And now, that you had each other, you both would never be apart again.

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