Fearful (Ron Weasley x Reader)

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description: having a crush on Ron Weasley was no easy task. in fact, it was the most stressful thing in the world as he always seemed to get himself into life or death situations. will you ever be able to confess your feelings or will your heart give out from stress before then? (requested byJulzLovDraco4Eva:))

word count: 1.2k

It was the smirk he gave you on only your fourth day of Hogwarts. Charms had been quite boring as Professor Flitwick was taking extra time to explain the purpose and history of the spell you were learning today. As a muggleborn you appreciated the effort, but as his lecture on the importance of lumos reached 30 minutes, you were at your breaking point. Seated next to you was a fellow Gryffindor with bright red hair and unbelievably bright eyes. He was doodling an image on his parchment, completely ignoring Flitwick's lecture. Your eyes zoned out on the Professor's small stature until you felt a light tap on your arm. Turning to meet the tapper, the boy next to you slid his parchment into your view. On it was a small drawing of Flitwick covered in light, floating in the sky. The drawing made you laugh silently to yourself, as to not draw attention to the two of you. As you glanced back towards him, he smirked, obviously proud of his doodle and of making you smile. And it was this smirk that became the death of you. Because from this point forward, you were utterly taken with one Mr. Ron Weasley. 

Since that day in Charms, you grew extremely close with not only Ron but Harry and Hermione as well. Although you loved Harry and Ron dearly, you always had a closer bond with Hermione as you bonded over your muggle parts. The four of you were nearly inseparable and every day was spent with each other. It definitely helped that you all were Gryffindor's but you knew that not even house lines could have dampened your friendship with the three of them. But for one particular member, your feelings ran a bit deeper than just friendship. Ron made you nervous. For the obvious reasons of the fact that you were in love with him and every action of his gave you butterflies. But he also made you nervous because he always seemed to have bad things happened to him. You knew it was selfish and wrong, but you always worried that one of these times, one of these bad things, was going to be serious and take Ron away from you. It seemed overdramatic, yes, but Ron was everything to you. It was as if he were the sun, you couldn't live without his presence. So, you were constantly stressed about his safety and well being. 

It had started as a typical Thursday morning of sixth year with you and Hermione studying until you heard a whisper. "Did you hear Ron Weasley is in the Hospital Wing? Apparently he was poisoned." You froze. Ron, poisoned. Bile immediately began to rise in your throat as fear encased every part of your being. Hermione's worried expression confirmed the worst: that you weren't just imagining someone saying that. The two of you took one look at each other and booked it to the Hospital Wing, your books and bags completely forgotten. As you rushed into the Hospital Wing, you saw Ron with Harry alongside him. He looked so fragile. His already pale face, normally with beautiful red undertones, now looked green and sickly. His hair was spread out across the pillow, almost like a halo over his head. Your heart broke at the sight of him and as you got closer, your fear and heartache grew exponentially. Once you, Hermione, and Harry reached the bed, Ron began to stir and whispered a small "Y/N?" Your heart skipped a beat as hearing his voice almost quelled all the worries in your stomach. Almost. Once Hermione and Harry heard Ron say your name, they silently ushered you forward and took step backs, obviously trying to give the two of you some privacy. 

You made your way slowly to his bed until you were sitting on the edge of it. His eyes started to flutter open at your presence. But it was when you saw his eyes that every emotion came forward. Tears started first and rushed down your cheeks. Then, anger came next. "RON! Do you have any idea what you put me through? Every waking moment I worry about you. Your carefree attitude and lack of awareness stress me out more than anything. First, the chess piece our first year, the whopping willow, and now this! I can't deal with it anymore. For Merlin's sake Ron! Can you not spend one day almost dying? You took a breath which calmed the anger in you and cleared your mind to realize the awful things you just said. His face seemed startled and you began to regret every word that had just come out of your mouth."Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Ron. I shouldn't have said all that, this wasn't your fault at all. Hell, most of the things that happen to you aren't your fault. My anger got the best of me. It's just that. Ugh, I am so scared of something happening to you. Of you being taken away from me. I was angry at the thought of that happening, not angry at you. I just... I just can't lose you." The next part came in a small whisper "you're everything to me."

He fell silent and the tension between the two of you grew. Your mind couldn't help but wander and you prayed that Ron understood the deeper meaning of your anger. His eyes finally met yours and after a moment of intense eye contact, your lips collided together. His hands were shaking as they made their into your hair and you felt the warmth of his cheeks from blushing. You put every unspoken word, every fear, every dream into the kiss and Ron happily accepted them and reciprocated the same passion. After what seemed like a second and eternity, the two of you spilt. Partially blinded from the mere passion of the kiss, you could barely make out Ron's reaction. But as your sight returned, you could see his was smiling like an idiot. His dazed eyes and large smile made you burst into laughter. Ron, still in his own world for a moment, soon joined in with you. He was the first speak "wow, if you only had any idea how long I have been wanting to do that." This confession made your entire body freeze- how long he has wanted to do that? Your words finally met your mouth, "you mean, you've wanted to kiss me for a while now?" Ron couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Oh blimey Y/N, I have been in love with you since our First Year. Now will you go out on a date with me?" How could you say no to that smirk?

a/n hi!! I am so sorry for being gone for so long, but I hope this one shot (I know its a bit short) could make up for it just a bit:)

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