Secret (Draco Malfoy x Reader)

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you and Draco have been together secretly, but how long can that last?

word count: 2.3k

Black slippers and all black clothing. Hiding in the shadows and silently praying that Finch or Mrs. Norris wouldn't be around the corner. Making up excuses to Hermione and Ginny. Trying to sneak out of the Gryffindor Common Room without anyone noticing. This is how you spent a majority of your nights but you wouldn't change it for the world. The risk, the sneaking around, the lies, it was all worth it for the blonde boy now in front of you. For about a year now, you and the infamous Draco Malfoy were a "couple" of sorts. Of course, no one else at Hogwarts was aware of this and you both kept it that way. You, a muggle born Gryffindor, and him, a pure blood Slytherin, shouldn't have mixed. It didn't bother you, the differences, but for Draco it would severely impact his reputation and his family relations so you agreed to keep things quiet. So the  only place you two would be able to spend time with each other would be late at night in the Room of Requirement. 

And there he was. Surrounded by flowers, sitting atop a red and white square blanket with a wicker basket to his right. The Room had even mimicked fresh air; it was the perfect for secret midnight picnic. Draco smiled at you and your heart melted. His hair was slightly long with his silver blonde locks lightly covering his piercing eyes. He was clad in a gray Henley and loose black pants with a small rip in the right leg; utterly comfortable and normal which was so opposite of his normal pristine self. With you, Draco never felt the need to put on a mask or dress nicely. He knew you loved him for who he was and dressing comfortably was not going to change your perception of him. These sentiments were never expressed aloud and Draco was grateful you did not know vulnerable he was making himself with you. It was the same with you; it was far past the point of good first impressions. Your hair was relaxed and messy and you were comfy in gray sweatpants and a dark green hoodie (the color reminded you of Draco so, of course, you wore it very frequently). Being here, with each other, was so simple and easy and so different from how it was outside your little Room of Requirement. Sitting across from him on the soft blanket, eating small turkey sandwiches, life seemed perfect. "How was quidditch practice today Draco?" "It was alright I guess. No one seems to even be trying anymore, it's like they're just handing the cup to you guys this year" he replied, obviously annoyed. "Hey I won't be complaining if Slytherin wanted to throw it for us" you said with a slight smile. Draco gave a small laugh and let out a breath. His quietness after the fact signaled to you he was done talking about this for a bit. It was because of this you changed the subject to talks of the future (your personal favorite). The rest of the night was spent surrounded with wishful thinking, hope, longing, and the comfort of being together. That boy had you whipped.

To be fair, you also had him whipped since you truly got to know each other. The intimate details of how you two got together varied between the two of you, however the story is fundamentally the same. It was third year and you were best friends with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville- the core Gryffindor gang as everyone else saw it. A Muggle-born; you relied on these friendships from day one to help guide you into this whole new world. As much as you loved them, however, their incessant hatred of one Draco Malfoy got on your nerves. You could understand the reasons why everyone disliked Snape, hell you were one of them. But it was this treatment of Draco that for some reason you couldn't swallow. He was rude alright, you were no exception, but you felt like there was something more to him that no one bothered to find. So you decided you would find the True Draco Malfoy. It was small acts of kindness that you started out with. The first was when he left behind his textbook in Potions, so you decided to return it to him. The look on his face when you handed it to him was filled with shock and nerves. He thanked you and to you, it was very genuine. No offhanded remarks, no comments on friends, houses, or blood status and it was nice. Another one came when you spotted him in the library: ink on his hands, papers all over the table, and practically tears in his eyes. With a spark of bravery, you waltzed over there and asked Draco what was wrong. Hesitantly, he told you he was struggling with the recent charms paper. When you offered your help you couldn't help but notice the gratefulness in his eyes and a soft smile across his face. Draco was seriously bad at charms, you learned that very quickly, and it became routine for you to help him with lessons. He seemed to be embarrassed at first but after receiving full marks on that paper, he knew he had to have your help. It was these small study sessions in the library where you finally learned the truth about each other.Draco was mean and ruthless, it was hard to dispute this point. But you were one of the few people that realized it was not his fault. When you actually spoke and got to know him, you learned of the pressure he faced daily and the hate and prejudice that was taught to him his whole life. No one showed him any kindness or cut him any slack; of course this is how he was going to behave. Draco had never seen someone show him this much kindness. You were so soft and sweet which was so different from everything else in his life. It wasn't his fault at all that he wanted to keep you around forever.

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