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"Holy fuck! What do we do?!"

"What do you think we should do? We'll disconnect them from the main computer, go give them their oxygen masks!"

"But boss, 'Renee' is-"

"I know that she's fucking dead! Bring her back! Bring them both back!"

"So do you want me to disconnect them or restart right away?"

"Of course you have to disconnect and give them medical treatment you idiot! I feel like you've been sabotaging this project the whole time!"

"But boss, I don't-"

"Shut the hell up, Isaac! You're fired, don't even try to debate your way out of it."



"You're the one who put doubts in their heads, aren't you!"

"Yes, I am."



"Why, Isaac?"

"I'm sorry."

"Tell me, why did you do that?!"

"Because I know what's it like being trapped in a cage."


"I don't understand why'd you do that, you knew what was going on here. We had a perfect plan! Make them fall in love with each other, Renee finds out about all the magic stuff and we'll watch her reaction. I know we've made mistakes along the way, but we could have fixed it. Then we'd wait for them to confess their love for each other, stop the project and hope their love will travel between those two worlds! It's that easy!"

"You never told me that."

"Of course I didn't, you idiot, you'd help them. Which you did none the less, but they never got to confess their feelings!"

"So if we let them actually talk and confess, they'd be in love in real life too?"

"Probably. But I don't know, since you had to interrupt the system we made."

"How did we even get them to be a part of this experiment?"

"We didn't, their parents signed them up when they were kids. Since then, they were meant to be here and fall in love with each other."

"So if this worked.."

"We could've proved that love is a part of science. We could've made millions of people happy. We'd start selling our services."

"I fucked it up pretty bad, didn't I?"

"Yeah. The world has to wait for a little longer than expected, but we'll get there. It will work. When you stuff people's heads with the 'soulmates' thingy, they'll believe it. They desperately try to find someone to love and who would be better than their soulmate, right? We could change everything."

"You will change everything. I'm sure of it. And again, sorry... I'll leave now."

Deep Down In The Waterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें