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"It's been three hours, Isaac! I feel like we're walking in circles." I groaned. My legs hurt, eyes closed every few seconds, but my curiosity was still growing. I got used to the dim pink light quickly, so moving in the dark wasn't that big of a problem. "Wait," I stopped and looked at Isaac. "Do you know where we are?" He nodded with no hesitation, which made me relax a little bit. At least we aren't lost.

I followed the bunny to a dark forest. I never really liked unknown places, especially at night, but I knew I had to go after Isaac. 'He knows where he's going,' I tried to calm down. After a while of meaningless convincing myself and watching the blue light disappear behind leaves and tall grass I decided that it's time to get going. 'I really don't want to get lost.'


We found our way out of the forest when the sun started rising, a familiar feeling of the morning breeze ruffled my hair. Isaac and I stood at the beach, looking at this huge mountain-like object in front of us. The crystal in my hand started to glow brighter so I shoved it into my pocket to protect us from the blinding light.  

"There it is. Isaac, we did it! We found the cave!" I was another step closer to discovering the truth and wasn't planning on waiting any longer. "Alright, let's do this!" I exclaimed with a confident smile. "How do I get in?" I asked rather myself since Isaac couldn't reply.

The smartest thing to do would be to look around for an entrance.

And so I did. 

I looked everywhere, but didn't find anything. Not a single loophole. And then the legend I read earlier came to my mind. Especially this part:

They built six smaller caves and you can only get there through a secret tunnel in a pond which is in the main cave.

"This could be it! Now I just have to find the secret tunnel," I turned to Isaac. "Is there any chance you know where it is?" Isaac nodded and began to bounce towards the sea. "How did I not see that coming?" I rolled my eyes at myself and rushed after Isaac. 

"So, where exactly is it," I asked while standing in the freezing water, shivering. Isaac's eyes gleamed, signalizing the one thing I was afraid of the most.

'Oh no.'

"It's deep down there, right?"



So I could potentially start updating daily, what do you think about it?
Also, don't be mad at me if you still don't understand what's going on, you're gonna find out soon enough. :)
Have a great day and smile!


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