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"Hi Renee, how are you doing? Did you sleep well?" Tori asked.

'No, I didn't sleep at all, because I tried to figure out a way to get us out of here.'

"Hey, I'm great, thanks! I slept like a baby. How are you?" I questioned with a smile.

This has been happening for the past week, in Tori's presence something - or rather someone - is taking over my body. Talking through it. Acting through it and Tori has no clue. They're doing whatever it takes to prolong this suffering! What if Tori's going through the same thing as I am? But why would someone take over our bodies if we already found out? She doesn't know then! And I can't tell her...
'Which means..'

That I have to accept my life here and stop trying to get out, because I never am.

'No! Stop it! I have to break the connection between me and the Someone out there. Also, I should probably try to figure out what's the number on my wrist about... Still doesn't hurt, but I feel it.'

"I'm good, thank you." she smiles back and squeezes my hand. "Although there's something I need to talk to you about." her smile fades and a light frown appears on her face.

"Sure, but let's have some fun before we do that." I say, seductively biting lower lip.

'Why are you doing this? Stop!' I think, assuming Someone can read my thoughts. On the outside I'm confident, but that's just because it's not really me. Deep down in my mind I'm a blushing mess that's trying to disappear from the Earth, or whatever this is, forever.

"Oh my goodness, listen to me! It's really important.." she sighs, looking away.

"Uh... I have to go!" I exclaim and quickly get up. "See ya later!"

'What the hell? Why'd you go out with Tori and retreat so soon?'

"Wait! I think you were right.. With us living in a parallel world and all." she said and zoned out for a good minute. I wanted to say something, remind her that I'm here and waiting for her to continue, but I couldn't. Someone, that's how I decided to call them since I don't know who it is, wouldn't let their guard down, not even for a split second.

"...You were right about me being right. It was stupid to think anything like that is possible. Okay, I should head to the cave, bye!" Tori smiled and waved at me. She might seem completely sane and alright, but the look in her eyes, it's like she wanted to tell me something, but couldn't. She wasn't able to tell me, because she was silenced; just like me. Silenced by Someone.

Does it mean she knows? Or does she at least have doubts about this world? Guess I'll never know...

'Hey, what is this about? I know you can hear me!' I ask through my thoughts. It should work, right?

I should go home and get some sleep.

'No! Answer me, what do you want from me? How can I finish this quest or whatever?'

I should go home and get some sleep.

'Just shut up! Leave me alone...'

I should go home and get some sleep.

'On a second thought, going to sleep sounds like a good idea...'

Hi there :)

Are you the salty food/sweet food type of person?
Have a great day <3


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