16 (1/2)

8 0 3

In this chapter is repeatedly mentioned death and so will be in the next part.

I woke up in the middle of the night to find out that my body is no longer being controlled by Someone. That's great! I can finally make my plan come true!

I had a lot of time to think about what could work, how to break the connection with Someone and I had lots of ideas. None of them worked though. Apparently, the connection doesn't work like a regular internet connection, I tried to go down to the basement, which helped a little, but before I could try to get out of Someone's sight, they made me go back upstairs.
The source of this connection is inside of me, but it's not a chip or something similar. It's like an organ, or inside of my organs at least.

So I came to the conclusion that there's no other way for me to get away. I have to...


"...kill myself." I finish the sentence, watching Tori, who's looking at me like she's seen a ghost.
"Are you crazy? That's your plan?!" she exclaimed whilst shaking her head in disbelief. "There's no way I'm letting you do such a thing!"

"Well, that's not up to you, I'm afraid."

"Don't tell me you're really thinking about it!"

"I already made up my mind, besides, it's not like I won't wake up, right?

"It sure is! When you die, you... Well, die!" Tori yelled at me with a visible concern in her voice. "And I don't want you to die. I don't want to lose you." she whispered. I cup her head in my hands. She's so sweet, lovely. Caring. I can see myself falling in love with her again and again in the real world.
"Tori, you have no idea how much I wish this - us - to be real." I say with a sad smile.

"Please, please don't do this. We can do it another way, there has to be at least one!"

"There's not. Listen, I have to do this and you have to help me." I say, staring into her eyes. "I can't do this without you."

"But what if it won't work? What do you even think that will happen if it works?"

"Well... It will work, they need us to be here, which means that they need us to be here and alive. When I die, this horrible experience is over for me. Unless they stop me, which is why we need to hurry." I explain, holding Tori's hand. She has to trust me and she has to trust me now, we don't have much time left.

"And what about me?" she asks anxiously.

"I'll figure something out.. I think they'll stop this entire project or whatever, you'll be free too. I promise." I reply. There's a sudden wave of confidence flowing through my body, I probably just needed to embrace the fact that I have to do this. It'll end well, I know it.

"Okay then... I'll help you." she finally says and my heart begins to pound faster.

We're really doing this.

"Great. Let's go kill me then!"


"So how do we do this?" Tori asked whilst nervously biting her nails. She always worries so much about me and I decided to tell her that I have to kill myself. There's no way of knowing if I'll die in this world only or both of them, which she doesn't need to know. I can tell that Tori doesn't want to help me and to be honest, I don't blame her. It's just too much.

What does the real world look like anyway? Is it similar to this one, are there sirens? Are there people? I can't tell what's normal in the real world and what's not...

"I thought about it. There's something inside of us, that makes us being visible a controlled by Someone. I think that if I die by drowning or choking, my lungs will be out of the game, but the rest of my body will still be able to be controlled by Someone." I look at Tori. She's trying to hold back tears, not very successfully. She's so empathetic... I take a deep breath, embracing the fact that this is going to get even worse.
"So there's not any other way to do this. I have to destroy my body." I sigh. 

Tori's eyes widen in horror, "You can't do that!"

"I have to, we've talked about this. Both of us can be free, don't you understand?!"

"I'd rather be trapped here with you than to watch you die!" she yelps, letting the tears fall, not even trying to pretend.

"You're not making it any easier, love. Just let me go. Please." I don't care what I say anymore. "You don't have to watch, I'd rather know you won't watch me die."

"Okay," she sobs. I can't believe I'm going to leave her. If only I could be happy in here, I'd never say goodbye. "But where do I go? What do I do when you're gone?"

"You'll have to vanish from their system, so they can't track you down. You need to go deep down in the water, and when I say deep, I mean really, really deep. Can you do that?"

"I guess. Lower than where the entrance is?"

"Much lower. Wait there and I'll take care of everything." I smile to make sure I'll convince her to do that and stay out of the way.

"Alright. Um, where and how do you want to..." she stops, staring into the water. "D-die?"

"As I said, I have to destroy my body." I say again, trembling. That sounds so gross and violent! "So probably the cliff?"

There was nothing except the fog, which started to disappear. And then I saw a cliff. Under the cliff there were some sharp rocks, just waiting to destroy a ship that was uncontrollably rushing towards them.

The cliff is a good idea. "Y'know, because of the... Rocks.." I can't tell if this is more of an awkward or sad moment.

"Oh... And what do you need me to help with?"

"Could you bring me all of the three crystals? As soon as possible. Time in this world might be going faster than in the real one, but I could be wrong and we need to hurry."

"Of course, but why do you need the crystals?"

"The cliff is a part of your 'world,' not mine. I only need a crystal, but to be sure it works, I need all of them."

"Alright, I'll be back in ten, okay?"


Hi ^^

That was quite a long chapter, wasn't it? :)


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