17 0 2

I don't even know how much time flew by before I woke up. I sat up to look around, there was nothing to see except the pitch black around me. I could hear the sound of calm water flowing in a small stream nearby. It was calm and peaceful.

"Tori," I said with a sleepy voice. "Are you here?" The echo was unbelievably loud.

Was I in an underground cave?

"Hey, Renee!" a melodic voice echoed through the cavern. 

"Where are you?" I questioned, "I can't see anything!"

"Here," she whispered, trying not to scare me, probably. Suddenly it got a little bit brighter and I could finally see the 'room' Tori and I were in. There were loads of stalactites and a 'pool' nearby. It almost looked like there were stairs built in to the pool, but it also seemed natural. After a while I realized that the light wasn't even similar to the daylight. There wasn't any familiar source of light. That's when I saw Tori rubbing a crystal on the wall. It was glowing blue, just like Isaac, but this one was a lot darker. It was the bright type of dark blue you see in a night club at 2am.

She looked at me with a wide smile across her face. "Do you like it?" she asked and swam to me. "I absolutely love it! Thank you for taking me here." I smiled back and rubbed one of the crystals.

Deep purple.

 "Oh, by the way, how the hell did I fall asleep?" I questioned. 

"Dunno. You needed a nap, probably?" Tori replied with a smirk on her face while rubbing another crystal.

Hot pink.

"I don't do naps! I'm not a baby!" I pouted jokingly and giggled afterwards. "Anyway, what's this place?"

"It's an underground system! Look!" Tori said excitedly and pointed to the water pool. There has to be an underwater tunnel. "What's in there?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Just another cave, do you wanna look?" she raised an eyebrow and held out her hand to me. "Sure, I guess we can go since I have my clothes wet already," I chuckled and took her hand, jumping into the cold water. I snuggled up to her when she took me in her hands. "Can you, uh, close your eyes?" she asked hesitantly. I replied with an 'mhm' and did what she asked. 

'Sometimes I don't understand her.'

Hi. :)

I'm sorry for posting later than usual, I've been pretty busy these days.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (There might be a bonus one coming tomorrow..?)

Have a great day and be positive!



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