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"Subjects 24336 and 24337 from the artificial identities section in the artificial reality department are waking up! 314 and 89 get ready to export them. 48 and 56, prepare to import new subjects."

"Subjects 24336 and 24337, they were in there for 16.5 months of the fake time, which equals almost 17 days of the real time."

I watched the scene in front of me, unable to move. My eyes scanned everything in the room. Everyone. There were a lot of people in white coats, scientists I suppose. I looked at the girl next to me. She was floating in an incubator next to mine and looked as exhausted and confused as I did, to say the least.

"That's the one who played Renee. She's lucky the fall didn't damage her brain, therefore she didn't die. Otherwise the connection would break and she'd die in reality too!" A tall man exclaimed to a shorter, angry-looking man with a beard.
"Great, now could we please fix their characters and get to work again?" The shorter one murmured in reply and stormed out of the room.

'Someone,' this thought flies through my mind.

"The one playing Tori had a side quest of protecting Renee from dying at any point, this knowledge is a part of her backstory," he says casually, pointing at me. "She didn't succeed."

The girl tilted her head to me with no expression in particular.
We looked into each other's eyes. 

'I know this girl,' was my last thought before unknown men pulled us away and led us into separate rooms. Then everything went dark.


They don't want us to see each other.

They don't want to tell me your real name. I'll have to keep calling you Renee for now.

They have me under a lock, constantly watching me, waiting for me to show any signs of deformation from the experiment. Do they watch you too?

Will they let us go?

Or will they reset our memories and make us start all over again? 

I'm asking like I don't know what's to come, but...

Will I do a better job protecting you next time?

I'm getting so sleepy... Goodnight, Renee.

'What a cold day.'


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end!
I can't thank you enough for joining me on this journey, reading, voting and commenting! It means a lot to me. <3

Also, special thanks to Owl1425!
I found the motivation to write thanks to you and your books.
I wouldn't have made it this far without you, since I thought about giving up a lot at the start of the book.
I look up (or down) to you since the very beginning and am very thankful for your support. :)

And the second special thanks goes to MaKarov7! You supported me a lot when I decided to write this book and I seriously can't thank you enough.
Thank you for being an amazing friend! I love u <3

I think this book doesn't really need a sequel or something like that, so I'll just end it here... Unless? ;)

What's your thoughts on this book and were you surprised? I planned this ending through the whole book, adding and removing details... I was so excited for the final chapter!

There's this thing I could do... The very last chapter of this book, where I show and explain all the hints I hid in the book!
Would you be interested? :D

I have a lot of new ideas in my mind, so let's see what future brings. Thank you again for all your support and see you (hopefully) soon!

Have an awesome day and be positive. Don't forget to spread love and good vibes wherever you go, life's so much brighter when you smile! :)



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