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Many days passed by. Could've been weeks, could've been months. I was helpless. Isaac was nowhere to be seen and neither was Tori. I was separated from the rest of the world and slowly but surely started to lose my mind. How could one person mess me up this bad?

Something appeared on my left wrist. It looks like a number, but it's really hard to see. It's getting more visible day by day and I'm not even bothered. It doesn't hurt, at least not yet, so I don't care.
I feel empty, lost. 

What did I do wrong?

I don't understand anything.

Was Tori mad at me? 

What's up with her, her eyes?

There has to be more to all of this! A lot more than her 'magical' eyes, glowing bunny, crystals and the stupid cliff! Or that time when I couldn't pull her out of the water? That's it, I've had enough! I'm not sure what I'm about to do, but I'm certain I'll make it work...

I decided to try and to do another research, I had to find something eventually. I opened my laptop, typed 'Glowing crystals' and pressed enter. Apparently no one has ever seen glowing crystals, but there's a legend about Siren's cave that caught my eye. I don't think it's important right now, could be a joke or something, but I'm still willing to check it out. If there's any chance this could help me, I need to see it.


'The Siren's cave

The legend says that a long time ago, before our worlds were separated, there were two lovers. A human woman and a sirenian man. Although the two worlds were living in a perfect harmony, it was very rare to find couples like this. There hardly were any and if there were, they kept it a secret for it wasn't accepted.

These two lovers didn't want to hide their love anymore, so they told four of their friends about their relationship. Three of them accepted and supported our lovers when no-one else did, so they decided to give each one of them a crystal of harmony which allows them to visit their sanctuary - the Siren's cave. It's a place they found on a stormy night a few years ago. They built six smaller caves and you can only get there through a secret tunnel in a pond which is in the main cave.

The crystals weren't only a key to the cave, they were glowing when someone touches it! One of them glows navy blue, as an inspiration for the lovers' love was very strong. The second crystal glows deep purple as harmony these two worlds provide. The third one is hot pink as a hope for every siren-human couple around the world that better times are to come.'


As much as I didn't want to admit it, description of the cave was really similar to the one I was in not so long ago. But how would I or Tori get there without the crystal? Unless? Even if Tori had a crystal, how come we never drowned? Can I believe this legend? Why do I have so many questions?

In the past few months I've seen more unbelieveable things than I could ever imagine. I might as well believe in sirens, right?


Hi, it's update day!

How's it going? What's your favourite color? Mine would be either green or blue :3
Spread love and positivity and don't forget to smile! <3


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