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I went outside to clear my head. It was still really cold, but I could manage. After a few minutes of walking and thinking about that weird dream I heard something in a bush nearby. It was very dark and I was freaking out. What if it was a murderer? I crouched behind the nearest tree, trying to hide. It didn't take long for the someone or something to come out. It was a baby bunny! I laughed at my own foolishness. There shouldn't be any reason to be scared! Except there was. The baby bunny wasn't a normal, healthy animal. It was glowing! I thought I'm in a Wonderland, there wasn't any chance that I'm still dreaming! I pinched myself just to make sure and I was one hundred percent not dreaming!

What the heck is happening?

The baby bunny glanced at me and made its way across the forest. I wanted to go after him, my intuition told me to. But I shouldn't, it was just a stupid bunny, right? Stupid, glowing bunny. 'Damn.' I started to chase him before he ran away. I barely saw anything, I just watched where the bunny steps and repeated it after him, but then he started to run! He was really fast. Without thinking I ran after him, I wasn't able to get home, being "lost" in the middle of the forest. I was chasing the bunny for a while, but then I tripped over a...vicious root? I wasn't hurt or anything, but I couldn't remember which direction I came from. I looked around and saw the glowing bunny in front of me. He seemed to be waiting for me, which was... Strange? As soon as he saw that I got up, he started to run again. This time I didn't run after him. I could easily see the light coming from him. When I got out of the forest, I found myself at the beach. Unlike the weather, the sand was warm! Wait, how would I know? I looked at my feet - my shoes were missing! I must've lost them in the forest and, which actually wasn't the weirdest part of this scenario, didn't notice.

The bunny disappeared. 'Nope, totally not weird!' I couldn't do anything really. The lights were still down and there was a fog everywhere! It was raining again.

I could feel tiny but sharp drops hitting my face, water splashing on my bare feet.

Since I didn't know where I was, I decided to head forwards. I could see only a few metres in front of me and it felt almost impossible to find somewhere to hide, so I stopped and looked around when the fog started to disappear.

And then I saw a cliff. Under the cliff there were some sharp rocks, just waiting to destroy a ship that was uncontrollably rushing towards them.

I was glaring at the cliff, unable to move. A lighthouse on the cliff lit up at the last minute and the ship turned around. My heart skipped a beat. Even though the lighthouse was lit up, I could see very poorly. I just sighed. Why the hell am I here? I didn't know where to go, so I sat on the nearest rock and pulled knees to my chin. I felt myself panicking and needed to find anyting to stop it. Suddenly I remembered a lullaby my mother used to sing to me. I really needed to calm myself down, so I started to sing:

Hear my voice beneath the sea
Sleeping now so peacefully
At the bottom of the sea
Sleep for all eternity

Sailors live so restlessly (Sailors live so restlessly)
Come with me, sleep peacefully (Come with me, sleep peacefully)
Listen t- (Listen to this siren's song)
(Worry not for nothing's wrong)

Wait, what's that? Who's singing with me?!

"Hello?!" I thought I was alone. I was freaking out! I haven't seen nor heard anyone here before! Water started to splash around the rock and a girl's silhouette appeared next to me. I jumped. How the hell did she get here?!

My eyes met hers.



Hello again!

I wrote these two chapters a long time ago so that's why they're a little bit different from the next one and the rest of the book.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
(my English still isn't perfect but I really try)
Have an awesome day ~♥~

AdyAiss ♡

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