I snapped. "Open this fucking door!" I yelled as punched against it as hard as I could.

My mom flinched back and unlocked my door.

I immediately ran out.

"I love you." My mom yelled from the car.

I wanted to yell back that i hated her but i was already to far gone. She didn't it, she only said it because she felt guilty for losing her temper.

That was the difference between us, I've never felt guilty for losing my temper. I was always happy when it happend. It meant that i was in control of my emotions for a while again.

"Rough morning?" Maddy aksed when i sat down next to her in class.

I rubbed my hand. "Yeah i guess you could say that."

"Talk or distraction?" She aksed.

"Distraction." I said without hesitation.

A smile appeared on her face. "Okay your birthday is next week right?"

I nodded.

She got even more excited. "My parents are out of town next week soooo that's means that I'm going to trow you the best birthday party ever."

I groaned. "You know that i hate my birthday."

She playfully hit me. "Don't be ungrateful, you're going to love it. I'll even invite your new friend. What was his name again?" She asked with a smirk.

"You mean Adam?"

"Yeah him, I'll invite him and his friends. It's going to awesome."

I smiled at her, i might hate my own birthday but i loved the idea of a big party.

"Alrigh you can trow me a party." I said trying to hide my smile.

My mother had planned the doctor appointment at the most perfect time, after school.

The only positive thing about this day was that the guidance counselor was sick and mabye Maddys party. But besides that it pretty much sucked.

My mom was already waiting for me infront in the parking lot when i walked out of school.

I stayed completely silent the entire carride. I was still mad at her.

I waited in the waiting room. My mother didn't want me in the room while my brother had his checkup which i respected.

After 20 mintues they all came out. Jack was smiling with a lollypop in his mouth.

"You're next." Luke said with a big smile.

"Unfortunately." I whispered to myself.

"We'll wait for you here. Be nice, please." My mom said to me as i walked past her.

I was happy that she didn't come in with me. I didn't need her judgement.

Luke pointed to the chair infront of his desk.

I sat down with my arms wrapped around my stomach. I kinda felt uncomfortable to be here all alone with him.

"So I'm going to start with asking you a bunch of standard questions. If you don't feel comfortable answering any of these questions you dont have to answer them."

I nodded.

He took out a clipboard with a piece of paper on it.

"Did you have your period" he aksed with a serious face.

I felt my cheeks getting red. "Yeah, since i was 12."

He nodded and wrote it down.

"Any concerns regarding your period?"

I hesitated.

"Uhmm well the last time i had my period was six weeks ago. Should i be worried about that?"

"Not at the moment but if this continues for 2 more weeks you need to let me know."

I nodded.

He aksed a few more questions before he told me to sit on the bed.

Everything was good, blood pressure, heart  and lungs.

"I just need to get weight. Can you stand on the scale for me?" He asked kindly.

I stepped on the scale. He looked at it deeply focused.

"Mhh a few pounds lighter than i would like you to be but i don't think that is something i should worry about. Right?" He asked me while he looked me in my eyes.

"No i don't think so. I'm not trying to lose any weight so i don't expect it to go down." I said nervously.


I sighed relieved. I was happy that he didn't make a big deal out of it.

I stepped off the scale and went to sit on the bed again.

He softly grabbed my bruised hand.

"Another school fight?" He asked concerned.

I shook my head. "I hit a door."

A smile appeared on his face. "Why? Was he rude to you?"

I smiled back at him. "Yeah he totally was."

He let go of my hand. "I only need to check your shoulder and then you're done."

I nodded. I knew that this had to happen even though i absolutely didn't want
it to.

"Tell me when it hurts then I'll stop immediately" he said.

He slowly put his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up when he did that.

It was still a pretty sensitive spot for me. Every time i felt the pain in my shoulder i was reminded of the pain i had felt the day of the accident.

I closed my eyes while he ran his fingers across my scar. I tried to push the memory of it away.

All of a sudden he pushed down on my shoulder. A doll pain ran trough my body.

I wanted him to stop but was completely frozen. I was afraid to move or speak.

The whole room was spinning. I heard people shouting in the distance. It was the same shouting i had heard the day of the accident.

I layed my hands on my ears. I didn't want to hear those sounds, i never wanted to hear those again.

"Is everything okay?" Luke asked. He had let go of my schoulder and was now standing infront of me.

"I am fine." I said trying to play it cool.

The noice had disappeared.

"Did i hurt you?" He aksed with a worried look on his face.

I layed my hand on my shoulder. "No it wasn't like that. It was..weird." i said not knowing how to describe the feeling i just had.

I tried to dismiss the topic.

"Do you know where Ashton is? I want to talk to him." I asked him.

He looked at me pretty confused. "I think that he is in his office right now. I'll take you to him minute." He said typing something in his computer.

I swayed my feet around as i waited for Luke to be done. I don't even know if it
was a good idea to talk to Ashton but i willing to risk it.

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