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It's not just about coming first
After every single test
It is about being the best
And sometimes sacrificing your rest
Yes! That's what we learned in Creche
With our crayons, we made many random scribblings
We drew crooked perfect buildings
But slowly the scribblings became rainbows
And buildings became actual buildings
So we become artists and architects

We learned first aid
And became doctors who aid
We learned about our society
And became politicians turning agendas into reality
We studied culture
And adopted a way of life
We learned Mathematics
And up till now, only a few understand what that is

My point is;
Education isn't a key
No! that's an understatement
The literate isn't only one who can write and read.
No that is not right

Education is a journey
A journey for all and hence many
It doesn't end at colleges and universities
It ends when life ceases
Education is not all about climbing the academic ladder
It's leaving the ladder better for the latter
It's about turning stairs into elevators
It's about eliminating the fear of failure and elevating beginners

It's about practicing what makes us better
It's about making life better
It's about integrity and not just mastering literature, comprehension and the art of writing letters

It's about you and me believing we can fly without feathers
It's about changing our facts to conform to reality and not changing reality to conform to our facts.
Education is not the school it's the people
It's not about the books or our egos
It's about ideas and free flow
Education is about understanding that
Knowledge is power
And wisdom is an undefeated tower
Education is an ocean of risks and mistakes
On which you build boats and ships of timeless lessons no matter how long it takes

Education is breeze
Only your degree does not determine how hot or cold it is

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