I don't really want much

37 18 8

I don't really want much
I just want to March
the surface of this earth unmatched
I don't really think about flashy cars
Because for where I'm headed,
I'll need a lot of my friends present so I'm thinking more of a bus
Oh no, I think you may misunderstand
What I really mean is a Boeing 365 bus
Because of my friends and I, we are meant to fly.
Cause one day, my friends and I will say, "We came, we saw and we held hands."

I don't really want much
You know, because evidentially life is short
So all I want to do is to sit at home after a hard day's work and make a meal
Oh no, I don't think you know what I mean
You know millions of money is evidentially short.
So all I really want is to make a mil
I'd probably leave it for my family in a will.
Or give it to the less privileged and the ill

I don't really want much

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