Keep Your Friends Close

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"We need to talk (Y/n)."

You winced, stopping halfway to the bedroom when Killer spoke up. You should have expected this, he'd been quiet and tense since leaving the meeting.

When you turned on your heels to face him, a strained smile on your face, he stared back, arms crossed as he motioned with his chin for you to take a seat in a stool by the kitchen island. Oh boy.

You passed him meekly and slid into a stood, clasping your hands together in your lap as you waited for him to start.

Killer stood on the opposite side, pulling his hair out of the way so you could see his face fully and leaning into the counter. Even when he was totally serious he was as handsome as they came.

"Remember when I said you shouldn't make friends with the others in the alliance?"

"Yes." You mumbled, looking away.

"(Y/n)...." He sighed and you caught a glimpse of him rubbing his face with both hands. "I think you went and did it anyway."

"I didn't mean to!" You blurted out. "It just kinda...happened...."

"I understand that. I think a big part of this is my fault, I didn't discourage you from doing things with them enough and now it's going to bite us in the ass."

"It won't be a problem."

"Yes it will. Kid is already angry about it. I told him I'd talk to you and get this sorted."

"What is there to sort? I'm not telling them things they shouldn't know or anything."

"That's not the problem and you know it." He jabbed a finger into the counter like that'd drive the point home. "This alliance can't last (Y/n) and this city is going to be ours. Not Luffy's and not Law's."

You were dreading the next words out of his mouth.

"I need to know that when the time comes, you can put the friendships you've made behind you and join in the fight for the city when it's just what's left of the alliance. You don't have to kill, I know how much you hate the idea of that, but you need to be able to fight them off."

That'd mean cutting them all off. You finally had so many friends, people you loved spending time with and who liked you for you. Ruining what you'd built wouldn't be easy and honestly, you were scared to do so.

"Kid needs you ready and able to fight. I need you there with the rest of us, I need to know I can count on you like I've always been able to."

The pleading tone in his voice was too hard to resist. Even if you were afraid of what was to come, you couldn't tell him that.

"I promise I'll be able to fight when the alliance is finished."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Good." He smiled and came around to your side, pulling you in for a hug. "I know this isn't easy but you have the whole crew backing you up and when the city's ours, you can make all the new friends you want."

"M'kay." You buried your face into his chest for a moment before he pulled away.

"Now how about we figure out dinner?"

"Sounds good." You forced a smile as he went to the fridge, figuring out what he was in the mood to make.


The evening was calm.

While Killer was focused on the TV, laying back in the couch so you could rest on top of him, you were watching outside the large living room window. It was dark out and had been for a while now. All the building and street lights illuminated the city along with the flashes of lights from moving vehicles. The number of gangs in the area had dwindled enough that everything was quiet. There were few police sirens. No rush of ambulances or firetrucks.

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