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Hope you guys all like the dragon form! I'm a sucker for feathered dragons so that's what I had the urge to design of course.

It started out as a joke but eventually people were calling you by it all the time.


It was to the point that when you introduced yourself to others, it was the name you offered up instead of your real one.

You earned it after eating a devil fruit a bit over a year ago. You had no idea what kind of ability you'd get from it at the time, but you were willing to take the gamble. It ended up being a rare one, a mythical zoan fruit that gave you the ability to take on the form of a large, feathered dragon. Though large may not be the best descriptor for it.

When you were in your full beast form, you were bigger than the average person, standing at about 4 meters tall at the shoulder. It was definitely an imposing sight, but you were a little bummed out when you realized that was as big as you got. But what you lacked in size, you made up for in speed and strength.

But the strangest thing that changed for you after eating the fruit wasn't your ability to change into a storybook creature, it was what it did to you in your human form. You'd never heard of zoan fruits causing permanent changes before, but that's exactly what it did to you.

Before you ate the fruit, both your eyes were (e/c). Even directly afterwards they stayed the same. But you went to bed and woke up the next morning with your right one having changed to a brilliant shade of blue*. It was the same shade as the sea, like a reminder that you'd never be able to touch the water again without risking your life.

It didn't hurt or bother you any so you just shrugged it off and went on with your life, with the new nickname of course. Where you lived in the city, gangs and cutthroats were a regular occurrence so they made for great training while you got adjusted to using your new abilities. At first, you weren't sure you'd pack a punch. You lacked horns, sporting a crest of large feathers instead that puffed up to stand on end when you were alert or in a fight. Any other time, they laid flat against your head.

Your tail was huge, easily twice as long as your body. But it didn't have much in the way of anything particularly dangerous either. At its end was a fan of huge feathers, making it remind you more of a feather duster. At least you had talons and teeth. They were all you used during fights for the first few months.

Then you eventually learned you could breath fire. Real fire. That was definitely an exciting day for you. Something had you in a sour mood that day and when a group of gang members came to terrorize your part of town, flames bubbled up along with your anger and swallowed them whole. Of course the fire was blue, just like your eye.

After that, you slowly learned other ways to fight. Your large tail was actually extremely flexible, strong, and worked great as a whip. When you flew, the fan of feathers helped you change directions quickly and make small adjustments in the air. The crown of feathers on your head really had no purpose, but it looked cool. And to top it off, you were completely iridescent. In poor lighting, you looked white. But under the sun, you took on just about every color at once.

All in all, things weren't half bad. You had a nifty ability and could kick some serious ass. And you were finding new ways to control your dragon-like powers every day. Things couldn't have been better. And you were right about that in the worst kind of way.

In that span of a year, you'd taken to picking up odd jobs to take care of yourself. Many rode a fine line between being considered legal or not but they payed decent and in an area like this, bustling with crime, you slept just fine at night knowing what you did wasn't always morally good. Bills stayed paid and you always had something to eat, you couldn't complain about that.

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