Talk Among Friends

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"So I'm pretty sure Killer wouldn't appreciate me seeing anything I shouldn't." Hayate said as he stood in front of you, arms crossed.

You sat in the middle of the kitchen on a stool, ready to have this done and over with.

"But you're the doctor." You said with a shrug. "As much as I don't like guys looking at me, I get that if you have to, you have to."

"Right." He nodded. "I guess that does apply, even to you. Let's start with what I can see first though...."

Hayate got to work on your arms, mostly checking if any cuts needed actual attention or not. A few were cleaned and wrapped but the majority were left alone, too far gone to really mess with. When he moved to your neck and face, he spoke up again.

"I figured you'd want Killer to stay and I tried to tell him that but......he's a little hard headed at times."

"Is that what you guys were arguing about?"

He hummed in affirmation.

"I tried to get him to stay, he insisted on going. If it's any consolation, he's hell bent on getting some time in with Scratchmen. He's pissed about what you've gone through."

"I figured as much." You mumbled. "And to be honest, it's probably better that he went now."

Hayate raised a questioning eyebrow but didn't say anything. You winced as he pressed around your cheek carefully. It was already starting to bruise, like the other fresh marks you got today.

"Okay." He sighed. "I'm going to need to check out anywhere else he'd touched you."

Both of you weren't comfortable with that. Him because of his fear for what Killer would say and you because of the awful bruising covering your torso. He'd have to see it and it wouldn't be hard for him to piece together what had almost happened. But it had to be done. Though Killer wouldn't be happy with someone else looking you over, it was still technically necessary and it would be strictly professional.

You grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. The slight gasp you heard let you know it looked pretty bad. It felt about as bad as it looked but you wouldn't say that.

"He made you into a damn punching bag." Hayate's gaze started at your stomach and slowly moved up. His face paled when he saw the discoloration at the top of your breasts, peeking over your bra. "Did he....?"

"It was close, but no. He just....touched me."

"That's not much better Blue." He swallowed and began feeling around your stomach carefully. "I guess you're right, it's a good thing Killer left. I don't know how he's going to react when he sees all this."

You twisted the shirt around in your hands as he felt along your ribs. It hurt, but not as bad as you thought it would.

"I don't think anything's broken but you'll need to take it easy for a bit. Let everyone else take care of the hard work, no going dragon or anything intensive for the next week. Is there anywhere else you need me to check?"

You could tell where he was hinting at but it wasn't necessary. While you could still practically feel Apoo's touch down there, he hadn't done any physical harm.

"No, we're good."

"Did you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?" The shirt went back on and you got up, putting the stool where it belonged.

"Don't feel pressured to, it just might be easier if you talked to someone."

"Easier than what?" You felt frustration building up, but not for Hayate. "Easier than having Killer see this later?" You gestured to yourself vaguely.

Blue (Killer X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now