The Offer

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Things couldn't be more awkward for you. Delilah had her back to you and Killer, humming along to herself as she made omelettes for the two of you. Killer was staring you down from across her tiny table, his fingers drumming across it's surface while he bounced one leg restlessly. You bet he was ready to jump across the table and beat you into a pulp.

"Don't mind me kids, go ahead and talk like I'm not even here." She waved a spatula over her shoulder.

Killer took that as his cue to start. "So what kind of work do you do so early in the morning....Blue?"

He caught your nickname when your neighbor said it. At least he didn't have your real name. You were actually questioning if Killer was his real one or not.

"Nothing important." You answered for Delilah's sake.

"Nonsense!" She said. "Blue takes care of my animals for me every morning, rain or shine. She's such a sweet girl."

"That's very considerate of you." He leaned forward, holding his face in a hand with his elbow propped up on the table.

"Mhmm." You eyed him suspiciously. It wasn't fun playing this game of innocent conversation with him.

"So you were working late last night, what's your job?" He didn't seem to care that the talk was very one sided.

"I work at a store downtown." You shifted your gaze to Delilah as she came by and put a plate down in front of each of you.

You were so looking forward to this just a little while ago. But the man sitting across from you had managed to kill your appetite. Still, you poked at the food to avoid offending Delilah. Killer dove into his like he hadn't eaten in a few days. He had decent manners, but the food disappeared fast.

"What store?"

You didn't think that far ahead. "Oh, uh, the one over on North 21st." You didn't know if that street even existed.

"That one." He nodded along like he knew exactly what you were talking about.

"You've never told me what the place you work at was Blue dear." Delilah said.

"It's just a convenience store." You replied.

You got halfway through your breakfast and decided you couldn't push yourself to eat anymore. You nudged your plate to the side, a little taken aback when Killer dragged it over to himself and quickly finished it off. He was definitely not shy.

"Well I can tell you two are itching for some privacy." Your hostess said. "Why don't you go on that walk now?"

She shooed you and Killer to the door much to your dismay.

"Thank you for the help Blue, I'll see you again another time."

The door closed behind you two and Killer wasted no time throwing an arm over your shoulders and dragging you closer to him.

"For someone so small, you're quite speedy. Can't have you running off again."

This was entirely too close for you. His arm hung loosely around you but you knew the second you'd try to move away, he'd tighten his grip. Your shoulder was pressed firmly into his side and you could feel his hair rubbing against your back.

"What do you want?" You spoke through grit teeth. If you weren't so close to home, you'd be seriously contemplating turning him into barbeque.

"Well, let's get started on our little walk and go from there, shall we?"

He tugged you along and didn't start speaking again until you were at the same park you landed in last night. If it wasn't for him being here, you'd say it was a great morning to spend outside. It was warm, a little humid from yesterday's rain but not too bad, and the park looked as peaceful as ever.

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