That's Not a Meeting

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I like to think my husband could pull off a Killer cosplay when I look at this fanart. Maybe not post time skip but definitely pre time skip. He's got the longer blonde hair and love for plants. He's built like a bean pole though.

"Why are we doing this again?" You huffed at Killer.

"Because you don't have one and you need to have something to wear to this." He answered, shuffling through the clothing racks.

"I do have something I can wear."

"You're not going to the beach in a tee and shorts Blue."

"I don't want to wear a bikini either."

"Why not?" He smiled invitingly as he held up a black and yellow one. "You'd look great in one."

"It's too revealing." You shook your head.

There was no way you'd walk around the rest of the crew wearing that thing. Especially since it wouldn't be just around Kid's crew. Killer had managed to talk both the Heart and Strawhat gangs into a meeting but it was going to be the strangest meeting you'd ever heard of. The Strawhats only insisted on going if it was fun and if they didn't go, the Heart crew refused to go. So Killer got them both to agree to a day trip to the beach. Business would be discussed and then the rest of the day was supposed to be a fun get together if things worked out, like a celebration.

He was sure it'd all go well, hinting that he knew how to get the Strawhats to join in and the Heart crew would follow. You didn't doubt him one bit. He had figured out how to get you after you thought you'd hated him, it wouldn't be hard to get similar results with other people.

So it was they day before the trip and Killer had taken you out for last minute swim suit shopping. Some of the others had tagged along but they were already done, not nearly as picky or stubborn as you. Men had such an easier time shopping anyway. They just got whatever caught their eye and they were good. No need to think about showing too much skin or worrying over being ogled by others. You wouldn't have that problem either if Killer didn't insist on getting you an actual bathing suit.

"How about you try picking something out?" He put the bumble bee-esque bikini back. "Something you'd be more comfortable in."

You had to get something, he wouldn't take you home until you did. So you buckled and started sifting through the options, listening to some of the other guys as they poked around curiously.

"Need some help?" Hayate asked. "Check out this one!"

He held up a neon green one that was even smaller than the one Killer suggested. It be great if you were looking to use it in bed.

"No." You and Killer said flatly at the same time.

It was too revealing even for him. He wouldn't risk that with other men around to see it. Hayate put it back, looking a little dejected but then Heat came by, holding up a different one. Great. More suggestions from men who should never be picking out things like this. Heat's option would cover more than what Hayate suggested but not by much. It was a baby blue one with delicate strings holding the bottom half together. The top had more straps on it than you could ever hope to figure out.

"Thanks, but that's not going to work either." You shook your head.

"Black is always a good choice." Wire said, pushing another one into your chest.

It was indeed black but half of it was a mesh, reminiscent of the shirts he wore. The most important parts would be covered but there'd be little left to the imagination. Not to mention you didn't want to wear something so suggestive that'd remind you of Wire all the time.

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