Have Fun

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You were an idiot.

You didn't think about the fact that you literally had no more money to spend until you'd gotten to the arcade. Killer started walking up to the building, covered in colorful posters and flashing lights while you stood by the bike meekly.

"We have to go in to actually do anything fun." Killer pointed to the building.

"I, uh, spent the last of my spare cash on the coffee." You shuffled around on your feet, staring down at the ground.

There was silence for a moment before he walked back up to you, his boots coming into sight. He crouched down enough for you to see his goatee and the small smile on his lips.

"I knew that. I saw you use the last of it."

You jerked your head up and frowned at him. "Then why'd you suggest we come here?"

"I can, and plan on, covering for you."

"I, uh..." Why were you so awkward about things today?

"It's fine, can't have you just hanging around with nothing to do."

"I'll pay you back later."

"Nope. My treat."

You opened your mouth to argue but he quirked an eyebrow, ready to shoot down anything you had ready to say. That was enough for you to drop it and he smirked triumphantly.

"This is your first time at a place like this right? I think you'll like it."

Killer called it an arcade and technically it was, but it was more like an adult one, similar to Dave and Buster's. It had a full bar and restaurant with TV's displaying different sports games going on. The rest of the place was jam packed with a huge selection of different arcade games. It had everything from old pin ball machines to newer ones that reminded you of Street fighter. You felt like a kid in a candy shop. Videogames of any kind were something you didn't get to play often and you missed them.

Before you could get started on anything though, Killer took you over to meet with his friends. They were standing off to the side of the bar, chatting between the two of them as they waited for you to arrive. But as soon as they caught sight of Killer and you, they stopped and gave you their full attention. It made you nervous, they were all so much bigger than you.

"Blue, you've met Wire." The man in question gave you a nod. He was much bigger than you thought he was when he was in the car. "And this is Heat."

Heat waved and gave you a small smile before his face returned to a sullen look. He had his long blue hair pulled out of the way into a messy half bun and you could see thorn tattoos wrapping around his neck and disappearing under the collar of his shirt. Of course he was tall too. Both of them were taller than Killer now that you got a good look at them, just like he said.

"You really are smaller than them." You said to Killer with a smile. "And here I thought you were pulling my leg."

"Don't let that fool you." Heat said. "He can beat us both in a fight."

"Little guy has spunk, how cute." You crossed your arms, smile widening.

"This 'little guy' is still bigger than you." Killer grumbled. "You wouldn't be hard to toss over my shoulder."

"I could take you in a fight." You chirped confidently.

The other two were a little taken aback, trying to figure out if they missed something about you that would allow for that to happen.

"You think?"

You were about to reply that it'd be no sweat and then remembered that be the case, but only if you were feathered and breathed fire. Normal you couldn't stand a chance against him. Dragon you could challenge just about anyone you could think of.

Blue (Killer X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt