The Infamous Dragon

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Kid took you through a fast food drive thru on the way home. He was too elated with how well the night went to comment on how you could have eaten something at the party. Killer was happy to get himself a burger anyway. He was with you on not wanting something fancy. You liked fancy food just like anyone else, but some days you'd rather just have something simple and entirely too fattening.

Eating was a bit of a challenge with your hands sore and bandaged up but you made it work. It was nice that the party hosts offered to fix you up before you left. They actually took care of any of the wounds people had received from the event if they were willing to let them touch them. A lot of the contestants turned them down but Killer wanted your hands at least cleaned before heading home. Hayate had some skill with doctoring people up so Killer said he'd check you out further when you got back.

The ride back took a while and you curled up in Killer's lap and passed out before actually getting home. He was nice enough to make sure you stayed covered with his suit jacket but you weren't worried about Kid seeing anything. He was too busy driving.

While you did sleep, it was more the kind of rest where you would wake up a bit at times, just enough to vaguely hear voices and feel Killer running his hand through your hair. Nothing really made sense but it was all comforting. You'd come a long way from sleeping alone in a run down apartment, too suspicious of others to make connections and create relationships. You would've never left yourself so vulnerable around people like you do now. But there was always someone to watch your back now.

You didn't remember the noises and feelings fading back to a real sleep until you half woke up again, this time in Killer's arms. The soft yellow of indoor lighting was illuminating his features. His body vibrated against yours and you slowly realized it was because he was talking. If you focused enough you could catch bits and pieces of what he was saying.

"...check her hands.......take her to bed."

There was someone else nearby he was talking to. "...down here..."

You grumbled in annoyance when you were set down into a plush surface. Your eyes had closed at some point so you jumped when an unfamiliar pair of hands grabbed one of yours.

"Wha?" You blinked sleepily and got a face full of mohawk. Hayate.

"Hey there sleepyhead." Killer crouched by you, smiling. He'd pulled his hair out of it's half bun and his jacket was missing, wrapped around you instead.

"When did we get back?" You yawned, trying to keep your eyes open as Hayate carefully undid the bandages on your hand.

"Just a few minutes ago. We'll get a second opinion on your cuts and then head to bed."

"M'kay." You watched Hayate do his work but there wasn't much he needed to do. They were in about as good of shape as they were going to get for now.

"I think you'll be alright." He said. "Avoid using your hands as much as possible the next few days so they heal faster. Let Killer take care of you. These aren't bad but they just aren't in a great spot." He grinned at you. "Use those haki skills you learned next time."

You blushed. That would've been a good idea but you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20.

"Yeah, I'll do that."

He chuckled and rewrapped your hands after double checking them. "I'll change the bandages for you tomorrow. You should only need them for a couple days."

He stood up and headed for the door. You were just now realizing you were in your apartment. Killer did a good job of not jostling you on the way up.

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