"Don't you dare!" Taehyung deep voice made another appearance, but Jungkook was too busy to pay attention to it, doing his best puppy eyes to get the alphas to just banish them, Jungkook couldn't bear the thought of murdering the people who brought him to the world, even though he was treated miserably by them.

Namjoon growled mind linking some guards to take the betas away, where they would be taken out of the territory and become rouges once again.

Mr Jeon stood up again only to get pinned to the ground by some guards.

"GET OFF OF ME DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" Mr Jeon shouted, growling at the unfazed betas who held him tighter.

" I AM YOUR LUNA'S MOTHER! TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!" The alphas nodded to the betas allowing them to pick Jungkook's excuse of parents and take them away, Jungkook ignoring the shouts of his parents, which gradually became quieter.

Jimin turned around and hug his upset mate, Jungkook immediately leaning on Jimin searching for comfort.

"I'm sorry they had to come here kookie" Jimin mumbled dipping his face to the omegas neck, kissing the bite mark he had made, smiling a bit once the omega shivered from the touch.

"C'mon Jungkook lets finish our breakfast, there is someone who wants to meet you" Alpha Jin said, Jungkook looked at Jin confused, but nodded anyways, pulling away from Jimin and walking with his alphas back to the dinning area, where their breakfast had to be re heated for them.


The alphas and omega had finished their breakfast, all of them in their own rooms washing up for the day.

Jungkook kept wandering who was he supposed to meet, after the encounter with his parents, he felt emotionally drained, but he had his alphas who will care for him and respect his boundaries no matter what.

Jungkook finished putting on a new shirt the alphas had provided him, all of his clothes where brand new and surprisingly really soft, Jungkook grabbed a brush and started to pass it softly over his brownish hair, stopping once he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" Jungkook said softly, he didn't need to ask who was there to know it was his alpha Taehyung.

"Are you almost done Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked, entering the omega's room.


Taehyung hummed wrapping his arms on Jungkook's waist and pressing the omega's back to his chest, back hugging his lovely mate. Jungkook didn't say anything, brushing his hair  a couple of times before putting the hair brush down.

Taehyung smiled, lazily resting his head on Jungkook's neck and delivering small kisses here and there, the alpha's heart almost melting once he heard the omega's happy giggles.

"Alpha we are going to be late" Jungkook whined, giggling at the sensation of the alpha's lips on his still healing marked neck.

Taehyung hummed and hesitantly pulled away, he grabbed the omega's waist and turned him around, Jungkook burring his face on the alpha's chest, relaxing at the comforting scent from his alpha.

Taehyung sighed, pulling away and taking Jungkook's hand on his, guiding the omega out of the room. 

The plan for today was Jungkook will meet someone, meanwhile the alphas did some meetings and paper work for the day.


Since everyone was busy with the preparations for the feast, the alphas didn't had a lot of work, but still, they weren't totally free yet. Plus that didn't mean the alphas were happy with the idea of not having Jungkook close to them, but the omega really needed to know this wolf, he will be able to help him on multiple things.

"Are you nervous kook?" Taehyung asked, looking at his omega with a soft smile.

"A bit" Jungkook mumbled, not to happy to be away from his mates for that long either.

"Don't worry kookie, this person is really nice"

Jungkook nodded at his alpha, he was still scared though, since little he didnt get to make friends, so he never got a chance to work on his socializing skills, but if his alphas trusted this person, that meant Jungkook could trust them too.

Taehyung guided Jungkook to the meeting room, where his other mates resided, the alphas suddenly stopped talking and smiled at their mate, Jungkook returned the smile too, finally noticing two other men in the room, by the smell, Jungkook could tell one was an alpha and another one an  omega.

"Jungkook glad you are here, this gentlemen here are Changbin and Felix, they are both mates" Namjoon said, Jungkook nodded, but still he was confused as to where this was going.

"Felix is an omega and he will spend the day with you while we stay with Changbin" Jin spoke smiling softly at his mate, "Felix will teach you anything you need to know about your rank, like care and health and many other things"


Jungkook looked at the other omega, immediately getting a bright smile from the other, Jungkook shyly smiling back.

"Well you two can go wherever you want, we'll be staying here in case you need something" Taehyung said walking to his seat. Jungkook nodded, waiting for Felix who bowed at his leaders. Both of them leaving the meeting room.


Jungkook felt awkward, he had never been alone with some stranger before, but if his alphas trusted. him, he could too.

The omegas arrived at the garden, the two taking a seat on one of the many benches there.

"Even though you already know my name, My name is Felix, a local health omega from the Stray Kids orphanage" Felix smiled, in the meeting the alphas had explained a bit the situation Jungkook was in, so Felix knew not to push the other too much, so basic introductions could be a great start.

"My-My name is Jungkook" the omega said, trying to be confident, he was going to be the future Luna, he had to learn to talk to everyone apparently.

"Don't worry we'll take the learning process slowly ok? we have a whole day for that" Felix said, still smiling.  



hey there!

I have an important announcement! so please read it.

It seems that BunBun has gotten popular over this past months, and I am really happy, but now that there are more people reading this they may or may not know what is going on regarding my health.

I have my surgery in less than two weeks, where I have to stay hospitalized for a week and then be on bedrest for like two more weeks, so during that time I wont be able to update.

I know people love this book, and I take pride in that, but with my surgery getting closer I've been getting a lot busier as they need to run multiple tests on me.

so please bear with me guys! 

Thank you! 

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