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Y/n pov

"hey, baby." Stiles says as he sits next to me on our bed.

"hey." I replied before going back to my laptop.

"what are you doing?" he asks.

"just some school work, gotta keep up."

"well you might want to get some sleep it's pretty late and I have some stuff planned for tomorrow." Stiles speaks

I look at the time and only realise that its 10 to midnight.

"yeah I guess youre right, but it's not exactly like I can do anything tomorrow I'm 9 months pregnant and due any day now." I say whilst shutting my laptop off.

"I know but we can do the things here for our anniversary."

"just as long as I don't have to keep walking up and down the stares."

"don't worry you won't have to." he says whilst getting under the blanket with me. I put my laptop on my bedside table and lay down.

"goodnight baby, goodnight sweet pea." Stiles says as we both start to drift off to sleep.


I wake up from a sharp pain in my stomach.

" little one, you need to stop kicking when im trying to sleep. " I whisper as I gently rub the bump.

I groan as the pain comes again but much worse. Which causes Stiles to stir awake.

"what's going on?" he asks half asleep.

"nothing, the baby's just kick- aah" I groan in pain once more.

"hey, you okay?" he asks now more awake.

"yeah, yeah I'm fine. The baby's just Kicking."

"aahh" I groan again.

"are you sure? Because its never been this bad before."

"i I don't know, just, just call melissa please."

Stiles then grabs his phone and dials her number.

"Melissa hey, sorry to wake you but somethings happening to y/n"

"it's okay I'm on a shift. What's going on is she okay?"

"I'm not so sure, shes in pain at first she thought it was the baby kicking but it's much worse then that."

"okay, well she co-" she started but quickly drowned out when I felt a liquid race down my leg.

"stiles, I thing my water just broke" I spoke in a panic.

"get to the hospital as soon as you guys can." I heard Melissa through the phone.

"okay, bye" Stiles says before hanging up.

He quickly rushes out of bed and helps me up. once we're in the hall Stiles calls out

"Theo! Theo?"

Theo then exits his room in a bit of a rush.

"what's wrong?" he asks worried.

"you need to grab y/n hospital bag and meet us at the hospital" Stiles says whilst helping me downstairs.

Once we're in Stiles jeep he heads straight to the hospital.

*ring ring*

I look at my phone and see dereks name written across the screen.

"y/n are you okay? Theo rang me and told me to get to the hospital as soon as possible so I ran as fast as I could." Derek spoke as soon as I answer the call.

"y-yeah, the baby's just on her way." I say as the horrible pain rushes over me once more.

My pelvic muscles loosened and relaxed then suddenly tensed up, and  it felt like my insides were being squished together into to a pianfull ball.

it felt like period pains on steroids.

" how far away are you?"

"ten minutes or so."

*at the hosptial*

Once we enter the building we are meet with Derek and Melissa who's  holding a wheelchair.

"y/n sit here, and I'll take you two to a room." she spoke softly.

I practically then waddle over and slowly sit down. Melissa then starts to wheel me to where we're supposed to go.

when we've reached the room Derek helps me into the  bed.

I groan once again as another contraction hits.

for the past three hours the contractions have slowly gotten worse and this could still go on for another 20 hours or even longer.

Melissa said that she was in labour with Scott for 18 hours.

18 hours!!??

I can't even imagine going through this for 14 more hours.

I just want this to be over and done with so I can finally hold my little princess.

the whole pack is here now,pretty much all of them are in the waiting room. apart from stiles and Derek they're in the hospital room with me and the sherif is also here.

* 4 hours later*

just one last push...

the room is then full of the crying of our baby girl.

"you did so good baby." stiles says whilst pulling a strand of hair out my face and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I just smile in response.

One of the nurses cleans the baby off before placing her inside my arms.

I look over at stiles and see tears welling up in his eyes as he stares at our daughter in awe.

I then carefully pass her over to him. he looks down at her with the biggest smile ever plastered on his face.

"I actually have a daughter.this whole time it didn't feel real. But it is. I'm a father of a beautiful baby girl." he says in shock.

*2 hours later*

I'm so thankful to the fact that I'm a werewolf and have faster healing because otherwise I would have to be stuck in that hospital for another two days but I can go home now.

the rest of tha pack are already at the packhorse waiting for us so they can meet out daughter.

*at the pack house*

we walk into the living room and see the whole pack sat around talking and watching a movie.

"y/n? how are you? how is she?" Liam asks as he spots me.

"we're both fine. and we would like you all to meet... sage claudia stilinski."


I'm sorry it been while since I've posted. I've not had any motivation to do anything recently so I'm sorry it's been a while. plus I had no clue how to write this chapter. but none the less I still hope you enjoy even though this is a bad chapter.

The unexpected surprise // {Stiles Stilinski X Reader} Where stories live. Discover now