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Y/n pov
(three weeks later)

I wake up to the sun shining through my curtains. I rub my eyes whilst I groan of tiredness. I look at my phone to see that I'm up late.


I quickly get up and get dressed right away not having enough time to shower, but that doesn't matter too much I had one yesterday. I dress into (untuckedto hide the bump)

I quickly brush my teeth and rush downstairs

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I quickly brush my teeth and rush downstairs.

"hey, what you doing?" Derek asks.

"I'm going to be late for school, so I'm rushing" I says as I make my way to the door.

"why? You don't hav-" Derek starts but I cut him off.

"sorry can't talk" I says as I rush to my car.

I get in and start to drive to school.

When I get there I unbulckle my seat belt and rush to my locker, to get my books for the day. I then quickly get to my history class. I get there just in time.

I take my seat between Liam and Mason.

"hey guys." I say with a smile as I set my bag in the ground.

"happy birthday!" Liam, Mason and Theo say together.

"Thanks, wait.. huh? Birthday?" I say in a whisper.
"wait what date is it?" I ask louder

"September 16th aka your birthday." Mason says.

"wait... You forgot your own birthday?" Liam says with a slight laugh.

"I thought it was the 15th" I say slightly confused.

"it's not" Theo says whilst showing me the date on his phone.

"oh" I say quietly.

"I can't believe you forgot your birthday." Mason says with a chuckle

"yeah, well my brains been all over the place for the past couple of months."

*at lunch*

I head to my locker to put away the books I no longer need for the day.
Once there all away I close the door and feel a pair of arms gently wrap around the small baby bump.

" hello to you too Stiles" I say as I turn to face him.

"happy birthday baby" he says before kissing my lips.

"thank you." I say with a sweet smile.

"come on, let's get to the table" he says as he conjoins our hands and begin to walk.

As we start to approach the table everyone shouts "happy birthday" which grabs the attention of some people.

"thanks guys." I say as I sit down next to lydia.

"so we're meeting at the pack house at 6:30?" Lydia asks.

"yeah." Ali replies

"hopefully it'll go better then Stiles birthday." Jackson adds.

"hopefully" I say quietly remembering what happened.

Since Stiles birthday no ones heard from scott apart from kira. No ones exactly sure as to what's happening between those two any more.

"hey, y/n" Lydia says as everyone else breaks off into their own conversations.

"hmmm what's up?" I replie.

"when do you find out the gender?" Lydia whispers so no one else can hear.

"uh, I think Melissa said at the next scan." I replied in a whisper.

"when's that's?"

"next week, why?"

"oh, uh I was just wondering if maybe I could plan a reveal party."

"of course you can, if you want to."

"wait really" she says excitedly.


"oh my god, yay!" she says with a sqeal of excitement.

"so that means when we go for the scan we don't find out but we ask Melissa to tell you, right?" I ask slighty confused.

"yeah, basically. And then the next day I will set up the 'party' type thing, and will have the reveal thingy ready for you and Stiles to do. I'm not to sure how it's going to happen just yet but I'm gunna start planing it tonight. But with the reveal what colours do you want for the genders? " she asks with a bright smile.

"uh, I'll ask Stiles, 1 sec" I say before Turing to face Stiles. "stiles?"


"Lydia is gonna plan the gender reveal' party ' and she wants to know what colours to use for the genders."

"why not just pink and blue?"

"sure let's do that." I say before giving him a kiss and Turing to face Lydia once again.

"what did he say?" he asks.

"pink and blue"


Sorry its been a while.

It's a shorter chapter because I've had no motivation to write this chapter na dim so sorry about that.

But I still hope you enjoyed it. XD

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