the end

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thank you all so much for the endless support for season 1! it really means a lot to me- it motivates me to keep writing, so thank you. there is a few questions i have for you guys, in regards to season 2.

1. when do you want me to release the first episode? 

2. how often do you want updates? currently i'm able to do almost one every day, or every second day but because i'm returning to school soon, it may be less, but i could aim for twice a week? or do you not mind random uploads?

please let me know in the comments! 

also please follow me for updates on other stories and from me in general. keep reading you guys <3

big things are coming for Camila, very big things. hang tight x

love, Piper <3

ps - i will release the link for the next book as an additional chapter in this book!

untouchable - Buffy the Vampire SlayerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora