prophecy girl - p1

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At the Bronze Willow and Xander were sitting at a table. 

"You know how i feel about you. It's uh pretty obvious, isn't it? There's never been anyone else for me..but you. And we're good friends, and it's time to take the next step." Xander explains and Willow listens in dreamily. "Would you, um date? Oh that's good! Date me! It's terrible right?" Xander asks Willow and she comes back to earth. 

"Huh? Oh, no! Oh, yes 'date me' is silly..." she mumbles. 

"See what i should do is I should just start with talking about the dance." Xander clears his throat. "Y'know Cam, Spring Fling just isn't any dance. It's a time for students to choose, um a mate and then we can observe their...mating rituals and tag them before they migrate. Just kill me!" he exclaims after another unsuccessful attempt. 

"You're doing fine!" Willow urges, yearning for him to practice more on her. 

"Why's it so hard? I should just walk up to her and say, 'Hey, i like you. Let's go to the dance together." He tries. Willow nods. 

"Direct and to the point." she smiles meekly. He gets up. 

"I'm ready. I wanna do it now. I gotta do it now." he exclaims and Willow's face falls. 

"Oh, Cam's not here. You can practice on me some more!" she pleads but he shakes his head. 

"No, no I can't wait until tomorrow, I'll be thinking about it too much. Why didn't Cam show up tonight? What's she doing?" Xander asks Willow and she sighs. 

"Oh, researching with Angel." Xander's face falls. 

"Gah Angel..." he trails off, becoming increasingly frustrated. 


In the park a car was parked in the distance with its windows all fogged up. Buffy falls and hits the ground hard on her back and exhales. Inside the car, Cordelia breaks off her kiss with Kevin. 

"What was that?" she mutters. 

"What was what?" Kevin asks her confused. Buffy props herself up in the ground as the vampires approaches her and growls. 

"Someone's out there." Cordelia says. 

"That's silly! Who would be out there?" Kevin retorts. Outside the car, Buffy rolls in a reverse somersault and comes up standing, ready to fight. The vampire growls at her as she pulls a stake from under her jacket behind her back. She points it at the vampire and he frowns at the sight of it. Buffy has an evil smile on her face. The vampire then launches himself at her but she kicks with an out-to-in crescent kick and then follows up with a high front snap kick which stuns him. She immediately plunges the stake in his chest and he falls over backward and bursts into ashes when he hits the ground. 

"Three in one night. Giles would be so proud." Buffy mutters to herself. 


Giles sat at the table in the library researching. He gets up and goes into his office to make some tea. Once he has his tea, he sits down and reads the text of the Codex - given to him by Angel. 

"Ho korias phanytie toutay...tay nuktee. 'The Master shall rise...' yes yes, this is it! 'The Master shall rise, and the Slayer..'" Giles looks up in disbelief. "My god!" he considers what he just read and then reaches for his tea. Underneath the Slayer's destiny reads'The untouchable can change everything.'


In Angel's apartment, Camila sat on her bed, glasses falling off her face as she read over several volumes all about vampires. Angel entered through the front door, carrying a paper bag. 

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