the pack - p1

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"Hey Will listen, it's ok. Xander is still coming." i reason with Willow over the phone as i roll over my bed and almost onto the floor. "It's ok Will. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." i smile as she hangs up the phone. The sun was beginning to set and Willow and Xander were supposed to be arriving for a movie night. Buffy and Joyce were out for dinner and i had organised to catch up with the others - however Willow couldn't make it in the end. So it was just going to be me and Xander. Me and Xander. "Oh god..." a knock at the door startles me. I look at myself in the mirror before i run downstairs. 

"Ah finally i was beginning to think something happ-" Xander looks around at me and he waits patiently but stops mid word. 

"What? Do i have something on my face?" i ask him, brushing off my cheeks as his mouth drops open- his eyes working their way up and down my body. "Xander?" he blinks. 

"Right, hey sorry no. You're good." he smiles, slipping his hands into his pockets. I open the door and let him inside. I close the door behind him and show him into the living room which i had set up with snacks and blankets on the sofa. 

"So what are we watching?" i ask jumping onto the sofa, patting a spot next to me. Xander sits down and places his arm around the back of the sofa. 

"You choose." he smiles and i get up to pick something to watch. As i reach down to grab the remote from the table, i grit my teeth in pain and remember i need to tell Xander. The pain and bumps had not left since the incident at the funeral home. I smile as i walk back over to him, standing in front of him. "So what did you choose?" he looks up from his hands. "You okay Cam?" 

"Remember how i said i had something i needed to talk to you about? The other day at school. Well it's kinda more of a show thing." i twiddle my fingers in circles as i look down at my feet. 

"Okay? What is it?" he asks sitting up right. 

"C'mon." i say softly grabbing his hand and taking him upstairs. 

"Cam, you're kinda scaring me. This isn't some kind of weird sex thing is it?" Xander asks as we walk into my room and i shut the door. I turn around and smile softly at him. 

"No. I just need you to see something for me." i say standing in front of the mirror, smiling softly. He sits down on the edge of my bed and looks at me. 

"Okay. What is it? Oh! Is it a new outfit?" he smiles at me pretending to get excited. I turn back and face the mirror. 

"I need you to tell me what's on my shoulder." Xander looks at me confused. 


"Please just do it." i say pulling the hair away from my shoulder and holding it on the other side. He gets up from my bed and slowly walks over. I feel his hands glide over the fabric of my sweatshirt that i had unzipped. His hot breathe trailed over my neck making my hairs rise. As he pulls down the fabric i seer through gritted teeth as a gasp drops from his lips. "Xander, what is it?" i begin to panic. 

"What happened Cam? How did you get this?" i look at him confused. 

"What do you mean? What is there Xander?" i ask trying to twist my body to look in the mirror. He slowly walks away and grabs the mirror from my dressing table, holding it up to my shoulder so i can see. A gasp rolls over my lips as i see the etched drawings on my shoulder. It looked so fresh, as if it was new. 

"Cam what happened?" Xander asks softly putting the mirror down, slowly grabbing onto my elbow to turn me around. 

"I don't know. When we were in the funeral home- i kinda just remember waking up with this pain on my shoulder. And when- when i felt over it, there were lines and bumps. I don't know when it happened." i look up at him confused. 

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