welcome to the hellmouth - p3

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"Wait so what about Buffy?" Xander asks as we walk down a quiet alley. I tried to keep the pace quick so we could rescue Willow faster, but I don't think Xander thought i was serious.

"Buffy can tell you whatever she likes, as soon as we rescue Willow!" i snap at Xander, "Sorry, i just don't want to lose a potential friend after being here all of 12 hours." I smile shyly at him, his eyes softening. 

"It's alright, can you just at least tell me what you are?" I chuckle to myself as I look up at his goofy smile, his hand glides back through his hair. I slow down the pace, keeping my wits about me as we enter the cemetery. 

"In a simple version, I hunt vampires." Xander slows to a stop. 

"Simple version?" he queeries, looking me in the eyes. I couldn't make eye contact. 

"It's a long story. C'mon we don't have a lot of time." sighing deeply I grab a hold of his hand, dragging him towards a large gravestone. "Hide." I whisper before pulling him behind the gravestone. As we peer over the top, we see a tall figure, male, and another smaller figure reluctantly following him. "Bingo." I whisper. 

"Willow.." Xander whispers. His voice was low, eyes glistening. My expression softens, a light smile on my lips. Suddenly he goes to get up. 

"Xander! We can't go now." I pull him back behind the gravestone. 

"Why? Willow obviously needs help." he looks at me confused.

"Look over there." I point in the opposite direction. Another figure pulling someone else. "Is that-?"

"Jesse..." Xander looks shocked, i place my hand on his shoulder and I feel him tremble. 

"I will save them I promise." I reach for the stake in my pocket, slowly getting up from behind the gravestone. 

"What do you mean 'I will save them'? I'm coming with you." a soft smile graces my lips before i turn around and look at Xander. 

"I can't risk losing another potential friend." he stands up and places his hands on my shoulders.

"And neither can I." he smiles at me as a giggle escapes my lips. Together we slowly make our way towards the mausoleum. Another figure appears from the shadows, Xander grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him as I pull my stake out. 

"Buffy?" we say in unison. She smiles at us, sending a quick wink my way. 

"C'mon, we are running out of time." She whispers making her way towards the door. 


"Leave us alone!" Willow yells. Xander grips my hand tighter and squeeze it back, reassuring him that it will be ok. Buffy, Xander and I peer around the corner of the door. 

"You're not going anywhere until we've fed!" the blonde vampire growls at Willow just as Buffy and I spring into action. Reluctantly I let go of Xander's hand. Willow screams and falls back down next to Jesse. 

"Well, this is nice. It's a little bare..." Buffy starts, hands on her hips, standing just in the doorway. 

"But a dash of paint, a few throw pillows...call it home!" I finish, twirling my stake in my hand, a smirk resting on my lips. The vampires turn away from Willow and Jesse, slowly walking closer to us. 

"Who the hell are you?" the blonde vampire growls lowly at us. A laugh rolls over my lips. 

"You mean there's actually someone in this town who doesn't know already? Whew, that's a relief, i'm telling you! Having a secret identity in this town is a job of work!" Buffy laughs, looking over at me as i smirk. The male vampire slowly walks towards me, a smirk residing on both of our lips. 

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