witch - p1

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Camilla POV

"Buffy! Tryouts are today!" i squeal at Buffy as she wakes up. She smiles and rolls over to face me. 

"Someone's excited?" she laughs at me. I roll out of bed and head to the wardrobe. i begin to pull out clothes from the wardrobe and find my old cheer uniform. a smile graces my lips and i look at myself in the mirror, holding up the uniform in front of me. 

"girls! you're going to be late!" Joyce yells from downstairs. Quickly i change into a pair of grey sweatpants and black crop top. My superstars glide onto my feet as Buffy and i run downstairs and out the door. 


"This is madness! What can you have been thinking? You are the slayer! Lives depend on you!" Giles begins pacing around the room. Buffy and I give each other a look. "I make allowances for your youth, but i expect a certain amount of responsibility, and instead of which you enslave yourself to this, this..." he stops pacing and faces us. "Cult?"

"You don't like the colour?" Buffy asks as we stand in front of him in our cheer leading outfits. 

"I...do you, um..." he puts some books on a cart as i jump to sit on the table. "Do you ignore everything i say as a, as a rule?" he asks exasperated. 

"No, I believe that's your trick." I giggle from the table. Giles begins to push the cart towards the counter but Buffy skips in front of him and poses. 

"I told you, we're trying out for the cheerleading squad!" she shakes her poms poms at him. 

"You have a sacred birthright, Buffy. You were chosen to destroy vampires, not to...wave pom poms at people. And as the Watcher i forbid it." he looks at Buffy and then me as we just smile at him. 

"And you'll be stopping us how?" she asks. He walks over and leans against the edge of the table next to me. 

"Well, I...By appealing to your common sense, if such a creature exists." Buffy and I roll our eyes. I jump down from the table and stand next to her. 

"I will still have time to fight the forces of evil, okay? We both will." Buffy starts, linking arms with me. 

"We just wanna have a life, we wanna do something normal. Something safe." I smile at Giles and then Buffy. 


"Hey Buff, i'm gonna head into the gym and warm up. You go meet with Willow and Xander." I smile at her as we leave the library. 

"Alright. I know how much this means to you Cam." she smiles at me, patting my shoulder. 

"It's what my mum would have wanted." I smile at her before leaving to walk towards the gym. As i open the door, noise floods from the room and out into the corridor. Girls talking, feet slapping the floor from warm up stunts and whistle blowing. I walk over to the bleachers and put my stuff on the bench and begin getting ready. I pull my hair into a ponytail and take my sweatpants and jumper off, leaving me in my sports bra and shorts. 

"Camilla. I didn't know you were trying out." I turn around and see Cordelia. 

"Cordelia. Yeah i was key flyer back in LA." i smile at her before turning around to put my stuff back in my bag. 

"Well, watch out, Sunnydale doesn't run the same as LA." Cordelia smiles sarcastically at me before walking away, swaying her hips as she goes. I roll my eyes before beginning to stretch.

Buffy POV

Together, Willow, Xander and I head towards the gym for the cheer squad trials. 

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