Current Story Ideas: Which Would You Like to See?

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I've been going through a dry spell with my writing, where none of my fiction projects stand out. Lacking inspiration for my previous projects, I sat down and wrote out a few new ideas.

I wanted to share a brief description of each, to see if you guys were interested in any or all of these.

Please feel free to leave your selection down below, or let me know if you would like to see more than one.

1. A Science Fiction type story where the main character is forbidden from making contact with any other person.

This one was inspired by an episode of Grey's Anatomy, where a patient was confined in an isolation unit. The person in that episode wasn't allowed to come into contact with anyone, as human contact was a threat to her health.

I found this premise to be intriguing, as there are a lot of directions this idea could take.

2. A tutor must cope with the disappearance of her young student.

I've been thinking about writing a Mystery for a while, but I'm apprehensive to try it for the first time.

This storyline would be an adventurous project for me, and would probably take a lot of outlining.

If I decide to give it a go, I may add elements of Fantasy, or I may stick to a more traditional Mystery plot.

3. A teenaged super villain learns that her arch nemesis, the city's superhero, is someone she knows quite well.

I can't give much more for this one, as it could pose a major spoiler if I end up following through. This one would have elements of Fantasy and Teen Fiction, though some of my long-time readers might consider it too similar to my previous works.

Number two is the only one with a full-length summary off Wattpad, and if anyone wants to read it, I can try to omit the spoilers.

These are my three most developed ideas, and I am open to any critiques or opinions you have on them.

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