On Reaching 1K Followers

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I joined Wattpad way back in December of 2014. I've gone through a lot since then. This place has been a constant, though.

I never thought anything would come out of posting here. I didn't expect to meet people here, but I have. I didn't expect people to like my stories, but they do.

I never imagined I'd end up eventually getting to a thousand followers.

I remember when I hit one hundred, and I was so excited that I told a couple of my high school friends. I'm pretty sure none of them were as excited as I was back then.

With that being said, the excitement I felt then was nothing compared to how I felt this past week when I hit 1K. I've never been in it for the numbers, but there was something special about that milestone. Knowing that that many people are invested in my stories, and in some cases me as a person, made me that much more certain that joining this platform was one of my best decisions.

This site gets a lot of crap from its critics, but for the most part people here are incredibly supportive. In the early years, before I got the chance to take a real creative writing class, the constructive criticism from readers/followers was my main source of writing advice. I improved a lot through that.

Now that I'm learning about the craft in creative writing classes, I hope that my readers/followers stick around to follow the evolution of my writing style.

Many of you guys have been here from near the beginning, and you've had more of an impact on me than I could hope to have on you.

Whether we talk often on here, or we've lost touch over the years, know that all of you are important to me, and each one of you matters.

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