Character Birthdays: Perkins School Edition

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So, I've gotten a couple of requests to do this, and no one was actually against the idea of me posting it. I usually do these off Wattpad for the sake of my character outlines, but this is the first time I've considered posting one.

Presenting ... a list of the birthdays for the most important characters in my Perkins School series. (Alphabetized by last name, because I'm a nerd.)

Some of these may be mentioned at points in the series, but for anyone who wants to see them all in one place, here you go.

For reference, the opening chapter of School of Secrets takes place in August, 2018. Based on that, you guys should be able to approximate the ages of everyone who's relatively important.


Amber Greene - October 14, 2002

Creighton Hastings - December 13, 2002

Derek Parker - March 28, 2003

Lauren Perkins - January 2, 2009

Tara Renner - November 3, 2004

Tim Renner - July 26, 2002

Yumi Tanaka - May 1, 2003

Marco Wen - June 20, 2002

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