All Roads Lead ... Somewhere

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I saw this quote somewhere, and in light of my most recent writing decisions, it seems pretty fitting.

"When all's said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it."

With one of my series, I seemed to avoid the direct road. I took some time away from it, and ended up taking off down several other paths before I came back to it.

At this point, I'm not quite sure what got me to stop working on the Perkins School series, but now I'm back at it again.

You got it. I'm officially back to writing Prophecies of Pain, and the rest of the series will probably follow.

Alyssa, you'll be glad to hear it. I know you were upset at how long it was taking me.

So, those of you who read that series up to this point are probably curious: how long will it take before I begin posting?

I'm working on the outline and such off Wattpad, to make sure I know what's happening and where it'll happen. In the meantime, I want to give people the chance to reread the first two books, so that you guys can get a refresher on important details without feeling pressured to jump right into reading book three. I'm also having someone read through School of Secrets and Remnants of Reality to point out errors or inconsistencies, so I can do basic-level editing. You know who you are. :)

I'm also still working actively on Safe Haven and Memoria. One or both will probably get updated before I begin posting for Prophecies of Pain.

So, for everybody who's wondering what's up with my writing, or the profile update from yesterday, here you go. I'm still going to get to my other ideas, but the ones that are up on my profile now are, for the most part, the ones I'll be working on.

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